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Entries / State University, St. Petersburg

State University, St. Petersburg

Categories / Science. Education/Educational Institutions

STATE UNIVERSITY, ST. PETERSBURG (SPSU) (7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment) is one of the largest educational, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. The university comes from the Academic University, which was later reorganised into the Normal School, the Normal Gymnasium, the Pedagogical Institute and the Major Pedagogical Institute. The latter was transformed in 1819 into St. Petersburg University, consisting of three faculties: law and philosophy; history and philology; mathematics and physics. The Pedagogical College (formerly the Second Rank Major Pedagogical Institute) and the Finishing School were all functioning at the university. In 1860, courses were designed to train secondary school teachers. In 1854-1917, there were four faculties at the university: the Faculty of History and Philology, the Faculty of Philosophy and Law, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and the Faculty of Oriental Studies. In 1918, the university was called the First Petrograd State University. In 1918-19, it incorporated the Historical and Philological Institute (renamed the University Pedagogical Institute), the Second Petrograd University - formerly the Higher Women"s (Besstuzhev) Courses and the Third Petrograd University (formerly the University of the Psycho Neurological Institute). The new United Petrograd State University consisted of the following two faculties: the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 1922, Archaeological Institute was added to the university, in 1924, the Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute; in 1925, the Institute of Geography. In 1924-92, it was called Leningrad State University (LSU), and since 1992 it has been known as SPSU. In 1933-37, it was named after A.S. Bubnov, and in 1948-88, after A.A. Zhdanov. Scientific schools were formed at the university in the following disciplines: mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, geology, history, philology, philosophy, Slavic studies, oriental studies, etc. Throughout the history of the university, many important figures worked and did scientific research at SPSU. They include A.D. Alexandrov, V.M. Alexeev, K.I. Arsenyev, V.V. Bartold, A.N. Beketov, L.S. Berg, S.N. Bernstein, K.N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, G.P. Bongard, I.P. Borodin, A.M. Butlerov, N.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Voskresensky, K.D. Glinka, B.D. Grekov, Y.K. Grot, A.S. Dogel, V.V. Dokuchaev, S.A. Zhebelev, F.F. Zelinsky, N.I. Kareev, P.K. Kokovtsov, A.O. Kovalevsky, N.P. Kondakov, I.Y. Krachkovsky, M.S. Kutorga, A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky, E.Ch. Lenz, A.M. Lyapunov, A.A. Markov, N.Y. Marr, I.I. Mechnikov, D.I. Mendeleev, N.A. Menshutkin, S.F. Oldenburg, S.F. Platonov, A.S. Popov, V.R. Rozen, V.I. Semevsky, V.I. Sergeevich, I.M. Sechenov, V.A. Steklov, V.V. Struve, E.V. Tarle, A.I. Ukhtomsky, A.S. Famintsyn, O.D. Khvolson, P.L. Chebyshev, A.A. Shakhmatov, V.M. Shimkevich, I.I. Yanzhul, et al. Students include B.A. Asafyev, A.N. Benois, I.Y. Bilibin, A.A. Block, V.V. Veresaev, M.A. Vrubel, A.K. Glazunov, M.I. Glinka, I.E. Grabar, A.F. Kerensky, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, N.N. Miklukho-Maklay, I.P. Pavlov, A.V. Palladin, D.I. Pisarev, N.G. Pomyalovsky, A.M. Prokhorov, N.N. Semenov, P.A. Stolypin, K.A. Timiryazev, I.S. Turgenev, G.I. Uspensky, E.K. Fedorov, N.G. Chernyshevsky and many others. In 1942-44, Leningrad State University worked in the evacuation at Saratov. The First Leningrad Foreign Languages Institute was included into SPSU in 1956. An educational and research centre of the LSU was built in Old Peterhof in the 1960s. In 2002, the University was comprised of 12 scientific research institutes, Academic Gymnasium, Canadian and French Colleges, educational and research centers and bases; the faculties of biology and soil science, oriental studies, geography and geo-ecology, geology, journalism, history, mathematics and mechanics, medicine, international relations, applied mathematics, psychology, sociology, physics, philology, philosophy, chemistry, economy, law, and the School of Management. Preliminary courses and minor faculties were organised for entrants. Standing partners of SPGU include the scientific and educational centers of the USA, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, China, Norway, Poland, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Japan, and others, as well as the universities of Amsterdam, Cambridge, Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, Leipzig, Turku, Helsinki, Osaka, and many others. SPGU occupies the Building of Twelve Collegiums, the former building of Smolny Convent, buildings of the former Alexandrovsky Institute (5 Smolnogo Street; 1765-75, architect Y. M. Felten), the former Novobirzhevoy Gostiny Dvor (5 Mendeleevskaya Line; the early 19th century, project of G. Quarenghi; the third floor was added in 1936), the former palace of Emperor Peter II (11 Universitetskaya Embankment; 1727-61).

References: Очерки по истории Ленинградского университета. Л.; СПб., 1962-2000. Вып. 1-8; Ленинградский университет в воспоминаниях современников. Л., 1963-1982. Т. 1-2; История Ленинградского университета, 1819-1969: Очерки. Л., 1969; Ленинградский университет в Великой Отечественной: Очерки. Л., 1990; Олесич Н. Я. Господин студент Императорского С.-Петербургского университета. СПб., 1998; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет: Летопись, 1724-1999. СПб., 1999; Марголис Ю. Д., Тишкин Г. А. Единым вдохновением: Очерки истории университетского образования в Петербурге в конце XVIII - первой половине XIX в. СПб., 2000; Ендольцев Ю. А. Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет: Нестандарт. путеводитель. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. СПб., 2003.

А. P. Kupaygorodskaya.

Alexandrov Alexander Danilovich
Alexeev Vasily Mikhailovich
Arsenyev Konstantin Ivanovich
Asafyev Boris Vladimirovich
Bartold Vasily Vladimirovich
Beketov Andrey Nikolaevich
Benois Alexander Nikolaevich
Berg Lev Semenovich
Bernstein Sergey Natanovich
Bestuzhev-Ryumin Konstantin Nikolaevich
Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich
Blok G.P.
Bongard Heinrich-Gustav
Borodin Ivan Parfenievich
Bubnov Andrey Sergeevich
Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich
Chebyshev Pafnuty Lvovich
Chernyshevsky Nikolay Gavrilovich
Dogel Alexander Stanislavovich
Dokuchaev Vasily Vasilievich
Famintsyn Andrey Sergeevich
Fedorov Evgeny Konstantinovich
Felten Yury (Georg Friedrich) Matveevich
Glazunov Alexander Konstantinovich
Glinka Konstantin Dmitrievich
Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich
Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich
Grekov Boris Dmitrievich
Grot Yakov Karlovich
Kareev Nikolay Ivanovich
Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich
Khvolson Orest Danilovich
Kokovtsov Pavel Konstantinovich
Kondakov Nikodim Pavlovich
Kovalevsky Alexander Onufrievich
Krachkovsky Ignaty Yulianovich
Kutorga Mikhail Semenovich
Lappo-Danilevsky Alexander Sergeevich
Lenz Emily Hristianovich
Lyapunov Alexander Mikhailovich
Mamin-Sibiryak (real name Mamin) Dmitry Narkisovich
Markov Andrey Andreevich
Marr Nikolay Yakovlevich
Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich
Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich
Menshtukin Nikolay Alexandrovich
Miklukho-Maclay Nikolay Nikolaevich
Oldenburg Sergey Fedorovich
Orbeli Iosif Abgarovich
Palladin Alexander Vladimirovich
Pavlov Ivan Petrovich
Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich
Platonov Sergey Fedorovich
Pomyalovsky Nikolay Gerasimovich
Popov A.A.
Prokhorov Alexander Mikhailovich
Quarenghi Giacomo
Rosen Viktor Romanovich, Baron
Sechenov Ivan Mikhailovich
Semenov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Semevsky Vasily Ivanovich
Sergeevich Vasily Ivanovich
Shakhmatov Alexey Alexandrovich
Shimkevich Vladimir Mikhailovich
Steklov Vladimir Andreevich
Stolypin Peter Arkadievich
Struve Vasily Vasilievich
Tarle Evgeny Viktorovich
Timiryazev Klimenty Arkadievich
Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich
Ukhtomsky Alexey Alexeevich
Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich
Veresaev (born Smidovich) Vikenty Vikentievich
Voskresensky Alexander Abramovich
Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich
Vvedensky Nikolay Evgenievich
Yanzhul Ivan Ivanovich
Zelinsky Faddey (Tadeusz-Stephan) Franzevich
Zhdanov Andrey Alexandrovich
Zhebelev Sergey Alexandrovich

Mendeleevskaya Line/Saint Petersburg, city, house 5
Smolnogo St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 5
Universitetskaya Embankment/Saint Petersburg, city, house 7/9
Universitetskaya Embankment/Saint Petersburg, city, house 11

Очерки по истории Ленинградского университета. Л.; СПб., 1962-2000
Ендольцев Ю. А. Санкт-Петербургский университет: Нестандарт. путеводитель. СПб., 1999
Марголис Ю. Д., Тишкин Г. А. Единым вдохновением: Очерки истории унив. образования в Петербурге в конце XVIII - первой половине XIX в. СПб., 2000
Олесич Н. Я. Господин студент Императорского С.-Петербургского университета. СПб., 1998
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет: Летопись, 1724-1999. СПб., 1999
Ленинградский университет в воспоминаниях современников. Л., 1963-1982
История Ленинградского университета, 1819-1969: Очерки. Л., 1969
Ленинградский университет в Великой Отечественной: Очерки. Л., 1990

The subject Index
Academic University
Main Pedagogical Institute
Historical-Philological Institute
Bestuzhev's Courses
Archaeological Institute
Academic Gymnasium
Twelve Collegiums Building


Abramov F.A. (1920-1983), writer

ABRAMOV Fedor Alexanderovich (1920-1983, Leningrad), writer, essayist. He lived in Leningrad from 1938. He participated in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, was heavily wounded in the battle for Leningrad

Academic University

ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY, the first Russian university founded by Peter the Great in 1724 as a part of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences and now officially recognised as the predecessor of the St. Petersburg State University

Alexandrov A.D., (1912-1999), mathematician

ALEXANDROV Alexander Danilovich (1912-1999, St. Petersburg), mathematician, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964). Graduated from the Physics Department of the Leningrad University in 1933

Baranovsky V. S. (1846-1879), entrepreneur

BARANOVSKY Vladimir Stepanovich (1846-1879, St. Petersburg), inventor, designer, and entrepreneur. Educated at home, he attended lectures in one of institutes in Paris and studied on and off at St. Petersburg University

Bartold V.V., (1869-1930), orientalist

BARTOLD Vasily Vladimirovich (1869, St. Petersburg - 1930, Leningrad), orientalist, Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1913). Graduated from the Oriental Languages Faculty of Petersburg University in 1891

Baudouin de Courtenay I.A., (1845-1929), linguist

BAUDOUIN DE COURTENAY (Baudouin de Courtenay) Ivan Alexandrovich (Jan Nechislav) (1845-1929), linguist-theorist, Slavonic scholar, worker of the Higher School of Russia and Poland, Corresponding Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1897)

Benois А.N., (1870-1960), artist

BENOIS Alexander Nikolaevich (1870, St. Petersburg – 1960), painter, graphic artist, stage designer, art historian and critic. Son of N. L. Benois. He studied in K. I

Berg L.S., (1876-1950), biologist and geographer

BERG Lev Semenovich (1876-1950, Leningrad), geographer, biologist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946). Graduated from Moscow University in 1898. In 1904-13, worked at the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences in St

Berkov P.N., (1896-1969), literature historian

BERKOV Pavel Naumovich (1896-1969, Leningrad), historian of literature, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1960). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Vienna University in 1923

Bestuzhev's Courses

BESTUZHEV'S COURSES, St. Petersburg Higher Women’s (Bestuzhev's) Courses, the first ever Russian institution of higher education for women. Opened in 1878 on the initiative of A. N. Beketov, N. V. Stasova, M. V. Trubnikov and A. P. Filosofova

Bilibin I.Y., (1876-1942), artist

BILIBIN Ivan Yakovlevich (1876-1942), graphic artist, stage designer, Ph.D. (Arts History) 1939. He studied in the Drawing School of the Society for Encouragement of the Arts in 1895-98, Princess M. K

Blok A.A. (1880-1921), poet

BLOK Alexander Alexanderovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd), poet. He was born in the house of his grandfather A.N. Beketov (9 Universitetskaya Embankment, the Rector's Building; memorial plaque)

Bobrinsky A. A. (1852-1927), public figure

BOBRINSKY Alexey Alexandrovich (1852, St. Petersburg 1927) Count, statesman and public figure, major land-owner, businessman, archaeologist, historian, senator (1896), Arch-Hoffmeister (1916). He was a son of Count Alexander A. Bobrinsky

Bobrinsky A.A. (1800-1868), civilian Governor

BOBRINSKY Alexander Alexeevich (1823, St. Petersburg 1903, St. Petersburg), Count, statesman, genealogist, Secret Counselor (1870), Chief Hoffmeister (1890). He was a great-grandson of Empress Catherine II, father of Count Alexei A. Bobrinsky

Bolshaya Neva

BOLSHAYA NEVA, the largest left branch of the the Neva river delta; a continuation of the Neva River below the Dvortsovaya Bridge. The Bolshaya Neva flows into the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland, in the area surrounded by Vasilievsky Island

Bryantsev A.A., (1883-1961), director

BRYANTSEV Alexander Alexandrovich (1883, St. Petersburg - 1961, Leningrad), director, theatre worker, People's Artist of the USSR (1956). Graduated from the Historical Philological Faculty of Petersburg University (1908)

Bryullov B.P. (1882-1939?), Regional Ethnographer

BRYULLOV Boris Pavlovich (1882, Pavlovsk - 1939), art historian, regional ethnographer, organizer of excursions around Leningrad. Grandson of A. P. Bryullov. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the St

Butlerov A.M., (1828-1886), chemist

BUTLEROV Alexander Mikhailovich (1828-1886), organic chemist, Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1874). Graduated from Kazan University in 1849. From 1868, held a professorship at Petersburg University

Chaykovsky N.V. (1850-1926), revolutionary, political figure

CHAYKOVSKY Nikolay Vasilievich (1850-1926) was a political figure. On graduating from the 7th St. Petersburg Gymnasium (1868) he studied at the Faculty of Natural History of St. Petersburg University

Chebyshev P.L., (1821-1894), mathematician

CHEBYSHEV Pafnuty Lvovich (1821-1894, St. Petersburg), mathematician and mechanical engineer, Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1859. He graduated from Moscow University with a major in physics and mathematics in 1841. He came to St

Chernov D.K., (1839-1921), Metallurgist

Chernov Dmitry Konstantinovich (1839, St. Petersburg - 1921), scientist of metallurgy. He graduated from St. Petersburg Technological Institute (1858), and later taught there in 1859-68 (26/49 Moskovsky Avenue; commemorative plaque)

Chernyshevsky N. G. (1828-1889), publicist, critic, writer

CHERNYSHEVSKY Nikolay Gavrilovich (1828-1889), publicist, writer, critic. From 1846-64 lived in St. Petersburg (with an interruption from 1851-53). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Petersburg University (1850)


Communities, an official or unofficial association of immigrants from any region, permanently or temporarily living in St. Petersburg. Their main aim is mutual help and interaction in a familiar cultural setting. In St

Concert Halls (entry)

CONCERT HALLS appeared in St. Petersburg in the late 18th century. Earlier, musicians arranged paid concerts in palaces of grandees, theatres, and taverns. The first documented series of public concerts refers to the concerts given by G

Danilevsky N.Y. (1822 - 1885), philosopher

DANILEVSKY Nikolay Yakovlevich (1822-85), philosopher, sociologist, and naturalist promoted to Actual Civil Counsellor in 1868. He graduated from Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum in 1842 and was an irregular student at the faculty of physics and mathematics of

Davidov А.А. (1867-1942), entrepreneur

DAVIDOV Alexey Avgustovich (1867-1940), banker and manufacturer, Actual Civil Counsellor (1913). Graduating from St. Petersburg University with a major in mathematics and physics in 1891 and from St

Denisov Y.M. (1925-2001), Historian of Architecture, Regional Ethnographer

DENISOV Yury Mikhailovich (1925, Leningrad - 2001, St. Petersburg), art historian. Graduated from the Faculty of Art Theory and Art History of the I. E. Repin Institute (1950)

Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya O.A., (1874-1939), historian

DOBIASH-ROZHDESTVENSKAYA Olga Antonovna (1874-1939), historian, palaeographer, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). Wife of D.S. Rozhdestvensky. Lived in St

Dobuzhinsky M.V. (1875-1957), artist

DOBUZHINSKY Mstislav Valeryanovich (1875-1957), graphic artist, painter and stage designer. He studied in the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts in 1884-85, A

Dokuchaev V.V., (1846-1903), soil scientist

DOKUCHAEV Vasily Vasilievich (1846-1903), naturalist, soil scientist. In 1871, graduated from the Science Department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Petersburg University


DORMITORIES. A living-quarters system for a large number of people living together, present in St. Petersburg from the first days of the city’s existence. The first builders of the city lived, as a rule, in large groups

Dyagilev S.P., (1872-1929), worker of theatre and arts

DYAGILEV Sergey Pavlovich (1872-1929), theatrical and artistic figure, publisher and critic. He lived in St. Petersbrug from 1890. Graduated from Petersburg University with a major in law in 1896

Eichenbaum B.М., (1886-1959), literary historian

EICHENBAUM Boris Mikhailovich (1886-1959, Leningrad), a literary historian, Ph.D. (philology) in 1918. Living in St. Petersburg from 1905, he studied at the Army Medical Academy and P. F

Eliseev Family, merchants and bankers

ELISEEV FAMILY, merchants, entrepreneurs, public figures. Progenitor Peter Eliseevich Eliseev (1775-1825, St. Petersburg), a peasant from Yaroslavl Province, opened a greengrocery in St. Petersburg in 1813

Famintsyn A.S., (1835-1918), botanist

FAMINTSYN Andrey Sergeevich (1835-1918), plant physiologist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1884) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917). In 1857 he graduated from the University of St

Favorsky А.Е., (1860-1945), chemist

FAVORSKY Alexey Evgrafovich (1860-1945), chemist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929), Hero of Socialist Labour (1945). He graduated from the department of natural science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of St

Fedotov G.P. (1886-1951), religious thinker and historian

FEDOTOV Georgy Petrovich (1886-1951), religious thinker, historian, and essayist. He came to St. Petersburg in 1904 to enter the Technological Institute and join the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party

Fersman А.Е., (1883-1945), geochemist

FERSMAN Alexander Evgenievich (1883-1945), geochemist and mineralogist, member (1919), vice-president (1927-29) and the Presidium member (since 1929) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR


FINNS, an ethnic community forming a part of the St. Petersburg population. The Finnish language is related to the Finno-Ugrian group of Uralic languages. Their faith is Lutheran

First of March 1887

FIRST OF MARCH 1887 (The Second First of March, by analogy with the First of March 1881), the day of the attempt on the life of the Emperor Alexander III. It was prepared by members of the Terrorist Faction of People's Will, created in 1886 by A.I

Flittner N.D. (1879-1957), Eastern Studies scholar

FLITTNER Natalia Davydovna (1879, St. Petersburg - 1957, Leningrad), Historian of the East, Egyptologist. Ph.D. (Doctor of History) (1940). Graduated from the Department of History and Philology of Higher Women’s Courses (Bestuzhev courses) in 1904

Fok V.A., (1898-1974), physicist

FOK Vladimir Alexandrovich (1898, St. Petersburg - 1974, Leningrad), specialist in theoretical physics, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). He graduated from the University of Petrograd in 1922 and remained to work at the

Frenkel Y.I., (1894-1952), physicist

FRENKEL Yakov Iliich (1894-1952, Leningrad), specialist in theoretical physics, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). He came to St. Petersburg in 1909. Here he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of St

Fridman A.A. (1888-1925), physicist, mathematician

FRIDMAN Alexander Alexandrovich (1888, St. Petersburg - 1925, Leningrad), mathematician and physicist. Holder of a master's degree (1922). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University (1910)

Glazunov Family, booksellers and publishers

GLAZUNOV FAMILY, booksellers and publishers. The Glazunov Company was founded by Matvey Petrovich Glazunov (1757-1830) who had a bookshop in Moscow and started a bookselling business in St

Glinka V.M. (1903 - 1983), historian

GLINKA Vladislav Mikhailovich (1903-1983), historian, art historian, writer, honoured culture worker of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1964)

Gorbachev I. O. (1927-2003), actor, director

GORBACHEV Igor Olegovich (1927-2003), actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR (1972), Hero of Socialist Labour (1987). In 1945, he enrolled at the Philosophy Department of the Leningrad State University

Gorky Science Library

GORKY SCIENCE LIBRARY of St. Petersburg University (7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment), founded in 1783. The initial library collection belonged to P.F. Zhukov. His library was purchased by order of Empress Catherine the Great and handed over to the

Gostiny Dvor

GOSTINY DVOR (Trading Court), a trading center made up of rows of shops. The first city market of this kind consisting of numerous wooden shops appeared in Berezovy (Gorodskoy) Island near the present-day Troitskaya Square

Grevs I.M. (1860-1941), historian, regional ethnographer

GREVS Ivan Mikhailovich (1860-1941), historian, regional ethnographer, pedagogue and public figure. Lived in St. Petersburg since 1873. Grevs graduated from Larin Gymnasium (1879) and the Department of History and Philology of St

Gukovsky G.A., (1902-1950), literature historian

GUKOVSKY Grigory Alexandrovich (1902 - 1950, St. Petersburg), literature historian, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philological Sciences, 1936). Graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Petrograd University in 1923

Gumilev L.N., (1912-1992), historian

GUMILEV Lev Nikolaevich (1912, Tsarskoe Selo - 1992, St. Petersburg), orientalist, ethnographer, Ph.D. (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1961; and Geographical Sciences, defended his thesis in 1974

Inostrantsev A.A., (1843-1919), geologist, archaeologist

INOSTRANTSEV Alexander Alexandrovich (1843, Farforovoe Village, close to St. Petersburg -1919, Petrograd), geologist, Corresponding Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1901) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917)


JEWS, an ethnic community within the St. Petersburg population. Hebrew is related to the Semitic group of Afrasian languages, Yiddish (was spread throughout the majority of eastern Russia) is related to the Germanic group of Indo-European family of

Kalesnik S.V., (1901-1977), geographer

KALESNIK Stanislav Vikentievich (1901, St. Petersburg - 1977, Leningrad), geographer, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968). Graduated from the Leningrad State University (1929), of which he became a professor in 1939

Kantorovich L.V. (1912-1986), economist

KANTOROVICH Leonid Vitalievich (1912, St. Petersburg - 1986), mathematician and economist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1964. Graduated from Leningrad State University with a major in mathematics and mechanics in 1930

Karger M.K. (1903-1976), art historian, archaeologist

KARGER Mikhail Konstantinovich (1903-1976, Leningrad), historian, art historian, archaeologist, Ph.D. (Doctor of History) (1959). Graduated from Leningrad State University in 1927 and stayed on staff of the University

Karsavin L.P. (1882 -1952), philosopher, historian

KARSAVIN Lev Platonovich (1882, St. Petersburg -1952), religious philosopher and historian-mediaevalist, Ph.D. (Doctor of History) (1916), Doctor of Theology (1918). The brother of T.P. Karsavina

Kerbedz S.V., (1810-1899), engineer

KERBEDZ Stanislav Valerianovich (1810-1899), engineer, Actual Privy Counsellor (1881), corresponding member (1851) and honorary member (1858) of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts (1850)

Kerensky A.F. (1881-1970), political figure

KERENSKY Alexander Fedorovich (1881-1970), political figure and statesman, lawyer. In 1899, he entered the History and Philology Faculty of Petersburg University; in 1900, he moved to the Faculty of Law; after graduating (1904)

Khlopin V.G., (1890-1950), radiochemist

KHLOPIN Vitaly Grigorievich (1890-1950, Leningrad), radiochemist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1939. He graduated from Hettingen University and Petersburg University in 1911 and 1912, respectively

Khvolson О.D., (1852-1934), physicist

KHVOLSON Orest Danilovich (1852, St. Petersburg - 1934, Leningrad), a physicist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences from 1895, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1920 and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from

Kogan P.S. (1931-1998), film director

KOGAN Pavel Simonovich (1931, Leningrad - 1998, St. Petersburg), film director and documentarian, Honoured Worker of Arts of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in 1980

Komarov V.L., (1869-1945), botanist

KOMAROV Vladimir Leontyevich (1869, St. Petersburg - 1945), botanist and geographer, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1920), Vice-President (1930-36) and President (1936-45) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Kondakov N.P. (1844-1925), archaeologist

KONDAKOV Nikodim Pavlovich (1844-1925), archaeologist, art historian, corresponding member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1892), member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1898), full member of the Academy of Arts (1893)

Konovalov D.P., (1956-1929), chemist

KONOVALOV Dmitry Petrovich (1856-1929, Leningrad), chemist, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1923) and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925). Graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1878

Konstantin Nikolaevich (1827-1892), Grand Prince

KONSTANTIN NIKOLAEVICH (1827, St. Petersburg - 1892, Pavlovsk), Grand Prince, General Admiral (1831), Adjutant General (1852), honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1844), member of the State Assembly (1850)

Kovalevsky M.M., (1851-1916), historian, sociologist

KOVALEVSKY Maxim Maximovich (1851-1916, Petrograd), sociologist, lawyer, economist, political figure, Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1914). After graduating from the Faculty of Law of the University of Kharkov in 1872

Krachkovsky I.Y., (1883-1951), orientalist

KRACHKOVSKY Ignaty Yulianovich (1883-1951, Leningrad), orientalist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1921) and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925). Graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Languages of the University of St

Kravkov N.P., (1865-1924), pharmacologist

KRAVKOV Nikolay Pavlovich (1865-1924, Petrograd), one of the founders of Soviet pharmacology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1920. He graduated from St. Petersburg University in 1888 and the Army Medical Academy in 1892

Kropotkin P.A., (1842-1921), revolutionary, geographer and geologist

KROPOTKIN Peter Alexeevich (1842-1921), duke, ideologist of anarchism, sociologist, historian, geographer, and geologist. A member of the ancient family of dukes deriving lineage from the Rurikid Dynasty

Krylov I. A. (1769-1844), writer, journalist

KRYLOV Ivan Andreevich (1769, according to other sources 1766 or 1768–1844, St. Petersburg), fabulist, playwright, journalist, full member of the Russian Academy, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841), honorary member of St

Kurbatov V.Y., (1878-1957), Chemist, Regional Ethnographer

KURBATOV Vladimir Yakovlevich (1878, St. Petersburg - 1957, Leningrad) chemist, art historian, regional ethnographer. Upon graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the St

Kutorga M.S., (1809-1886), historian

KUTORGA Mikhail Semenovich (1809-1886), Classicist, Associate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1848). Came to St. Petersburg in 1813. In 1832, he graduated from the Professorial Institute associated to the University of Derpt

Kuzmin-Karavaev V.D. (1859-1927), public figure

KUZMIN-KARAVAEV Vladimir Dmitrievich (1859-1927) was a public and political figure, lawyer, publicist, Major General (1901). On graduating from the Corps of Pages (1878) he served in Guards' Mounted-Artillery Brigade

Lamansky V.I., (1833-1914), Slavicist

LAMANSKY Vladimir Ivanovich (1833 - 1914, St. Petersburg), historian, philologist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1900). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of St

Lappo-Danilevsky A.S., (1863-1919), historian

LAPPO-DANILEVSKY Alexander Sergeevich (1863-1919, Petrograd), historian, archaeograph, sociologist, Fellow of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1899). Came to St. Petersburg in 1882

Lavrov S.B. (1928 - 2000), geographer

LAVROV Sergey Borisovich (1928, Leningrad - 2000, St. Petersburg), geographer, received a Ph.D. (geography) in 1968 and Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation in 1998

Lebedev S.V., (1874-1934), chemist

LEBEDEV Sergey Vasilievich (1874-1934), chemist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1932). Graduated from the Department of Natural Science of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of St. Petersburg in 1900

Lenin V.I. (1870-1924), revolutionary, statesman

LENIN (real name Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924), political figure, statesman and writer. Upon graduating from the Simbirsk Gymnasium (1887), he entered the Faculty of Law of Kazan University; in the same year got involved in student protests

Lenz E.H., (1804-1865), physicist

LENZ Emily Hristianovich (1804-1865), physicist, electrical engineer, Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1828). Studied at the University of Derpt from 1820 to 1823. In 1823-25, was a part of O.E. Kotzebue's circumnavigation

Leontyev V.V., (1906-1999), economist

LEONTYEV Vasily Vasilievich (1906-1999) (also known as Wassily Leontief), economist, PhD in Economics (1928), Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1988), Honorary Doctor of the State Leningrad University (1990). Brought to St

Lesgaft P.F. (1837-1909), anatomist, teacher

LESGAFT Peter Frantsevich (St. Petersburg, 1837-1909), anatomist and teacher. Graduated from the Medical Surgical Academy in 1861. In 1868, he became a professor at Kazan University. In 1871, started teaching at the Medical Surgical Academy

Levinson-Lessing F.Y., (1861-1939), geologist

LEVINSON-LESSING Franz Yulievich (1861-1939), petrographer, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics Mathematical of the University of St

Levinson-Lessing V.F. (1893-1972, Leningrad), museum worker

LEVINSON-LESSING Vladimir Franzevich (1893-1972, Leningrad), museum worker, art historian, professor (1940). The son of F.Y. Levinson-Lessing. Studied at Forestry School and Tenishevsky School

Likhachev D.S., (1906-1999), literary historian

LIKHACHEV Dmitry Sergeevich (1906 - 1999, St. Petersburg), philologist and cultural historian, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970), Hero of Socialist Labor (1986), Honorary Citizen of St

Lines of Vasilievsky Island (entry)

LINES Of VASILIEVSKY ISLAND, the historical name of a number of parallel streets that intersect Vasilievsky Island from the south to the north: First to Twenty-Ninth Lines, Birzhevaya Line, Kozhevennaya Line, Kosaya Line, Mendeleevskaya Line

Linnik V.P., (1889-1984), mathematician

LINNIK Vladimir Pavlovich (1889-1984, Leningrad), physicist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), Hero of Socialist Labor (1969). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Kiev

Linnik Y.V. (1914/15-1972), physicist

LINNIK Yury Vladimirovich (1915-72, Leningrad), mathematician, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964), Hero of Socialist Labour (1969). The son of V.P. Linnik

Lodygin A.N., (1847-1923), electrical engineer and physicist

LODYGIN Alexander Nikolaevich (1847-1923), electrical engineer. Graduated from Moscow Infantry School in 1867, was soon disappointed with military life, and moved to St. Petersburg. Here he audited classes at the University of St. Petersburg

Lopatin G.A. (1845-1918), revolutionary

LOPATIN German Alexandrovich (1845-1918, П.), revolutionary and narodnik (Russian populist). He graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University (1866), in 1867, defended his Ph.D

Lyapunov A.M., (1857-1918), mathematician

LYAPUNOV Alexander Mikhailovich (1857-1918), mathematician and mechanic, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1901). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of St

Malyshev V.I. (1910-1976), specialist in study of literature and archaeography

MALYSHEV Vladimir Ivanovich (1910 - 1976, Leningrad), specialist in study of literature and archaeography, Honoured Academic of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1972), PhD in Philology (1968)

Markov A.A., (1856-1922), mathematician

MARKOV Andrey Andreevich (1856-1922, Petrograd), mathematician, member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1886). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of St. Petersburg in 1878

Marr N.Y., (1864/65-1934), orientalist, linguist

MARR Nikolay Yakovlevich (1864-1934), orientalist and linguist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909), Russian Academy of Science (1917), and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925; Vice-President from 1930)

Martov L. (1873-1923), revolutionary

MARTOV L. (born Yuly Osipovich Tsederbaum) (1873-1923), political figure, publicist. In 1881 he settled in St. Petersburg together with his parents; after graduating from the 1st Petersburg Gymnasium (1891) he entered the chair of Natural Sciences

Maslov S. Y. (1939-1982), human rights activist

MASLOV Sergey Yurievich (1939, Leningrad - 1982) was a human rights activist, Ph.D. in Mathematics (1972). On graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad State University (1961) he worked in the Leningrad Department of the

Mavrodin V.V., (1908-1987), historian

MAVRODIN Vladimir Vasilievich (1908-1987, Leningrad), historian, PhD in History (1940). Graduated from the faculty of Linguistics and Material Culture Studies of the State Leningrad University in 1930

Mechnikov I.I., (1845-1916), physiologist

MECHNIKOV Ilya Ilyich (1845-1916), embryologist, microbiologist and pathologist, Associate (1902) and Honourary Doctor (1883) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. Graduated from the University of Kharkov in 1864

Mendeleev D.I., (1834-1907), chemist

MENDELEEV Dmitry Ivanovich (1834-1907, St. Petersburg), chemist, teacher and public figure, Associate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1876). Graduated from the Main Pedagogical Institute of St. Petersburg in 1855

Merezhkovsky D.S. (1865-1941), writer and philosopher

MEREZHKOVSKY Dmitry Sergeevich (1865, St. Petersburg - 1941), a prose writer, poet, critic, literary and public figure. He graduated from Petersburg University with a major in philology in 1888. He married Z. N

Ministry of Public Education

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC EDUCATION, central public institution, in charge of the Russian Empire's educational and academic institutions (excepting military, naval and theological institutions)

Modzalevsky B.L., (1874-1928), literary historian

MODZALEVSKY Boris Lvovich (1874-1928, Leningrad), literary historian, archivist, Associate of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1918). Lived in St. Petersburg from 1884. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of St. Petersburg in 1898

Molostvov M. M. (1934-2003), the political figure

MOLOSTVOV Mikhail Mikhailovich (1934-2003, St. Petersburg) was a statesman and philosopher. In 1935, in the course of the operation Former People he was exiled with his parents from Leningrad to Rzhev

Mravinsky Е.А., (1903-1988), conductor

MRAVINSKY Evgeny Alexandrovich (1903 - 1988, Leningrad), conductor, people's artist of the USSR (1954) and Hero of Socialist Labour (1973). A student of the Second Gymnasium, Petersburg University, and Academic Chapel

Music Societies and Circles (general)

MUSICAL SOCIETIES AND CIRCLES, official associations of music lovers with their own charters and rights to hold public concerts and other activities. There were two associations founded in the last third of the 18th century: the Music Club (1772-77)

Myakotin V.A. (1867-1937), historian, public and political figure

MYAKOTIN Venedikt Alexandrovich (1867, Gatchina - 1937), historian, essayist, public and political figure. Graduated from Kronstadt Gymnasium and the Faculty of History and Philology of St

Nabokov Family

NABOKOV Family, noble family, known since the mid 17th century. Several family members are closely associated with St. Petersburg. Ivan Alexandrovich Nabokov (1787-1852, St Petersburg), Infantry General (1835), Adjutant General (1844)

Nikitenko А.V. (1804-1877),critic

NIKITENKO Alexander Vasilievich (1804-1877, Pavlovsk), literary critic, literature historian, academic member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1855), privy councilor (1865). Permanently resident in St

Obolensky V. A. (1869-1950), public figure

OBOLENSKY Vladimir Andreevich (1869, St. Petersburg - 1950) Prince, public and political figure, memoirist. On graduating from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of St

October General Political Strike of 1905

GENERAL POLITICAL STRIKE OF OCTOBER 1905 was part of the All-Russian October political strike held under the slogans of overthrowing autocracy and demanding democratic liberties

Old Peterhof

OLD PETERHOF, the name of a part of Petrodvorets west of the Angliisky Park; also a railway station along the Saint Petersburg-Lomonosov line. In the 1970-80s, an academic training facility and one of Saint Petersburg State University's campuses

Oldenburg S.F., (1863-1934), orientalist

Oldenburg Sergey Fedorovich (1863-1934, Leningrad), orientalist and scientific organiser, public figure, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (from 1900). He moved to St. Petersburg in 1881

Olderogge D.A., (1903-1987), ethnographer

OLDEROGGE Dmitry Alexeevich (1903-1987, Leningrad), ethnographer, Associate of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1960). He was brought to St. Petersburg in the age of three

Orbeli I.A., (1887-1961), orientalist

ORBELI Iosif Abgarovich (1887-1961, Leningrad), orientalist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935), member and the first president of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (1943). Brother of L.A. Orbeli

Orlovsky E.S. (1929 - 2003), human rights activist

ORLOVSKY Ernest Semenovich (1929, Leningrad - 2003, St. Petersburg) was a human rights activist. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad State University (1952)

Panin-Kolomenkin N.A. (1871-1956), sportsman

PANIN-KOLOMENKIN (real name Kolomenkin) Nikolay Alexandrovich (1871-1956, Leningrad), athlete, coach, Merited Master of Sports (1940). He lived in St. Petersburg since 1885. He graduated from Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of St

Pavlov I.P., (1849-1936), physiologist

PAVLOV Ivan Petrovich (1849-1936, Leningrad), physiologist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1907), Russian Academy of Sciences (1917), Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925). He came to St

Pavsky G.P. (1787-1863), Archpriest

PAVSKY Gerasim Petrovich (1787, Churchyard of Pava of St. Petersburg province - 1863, St. Petersburg), archpriest, philologist and church historian, Doctor of Theology (1821), member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1858)

Petrashevsky M.V. (1821-1866), revolutionary

PETRASHEVSKY (Butashevich-Petrashevsky) Mikhail Vasilievich (1821, St. Petersburg 1866), public figure. In 1836-40 studied at Tsarskoselsky Lyceum, in 1840-41 – audited classes at the Faculty of Law of Petersburg University; received an academic

Petrodvortsovy District

PETRODVORTSOVY DISTRICT, an administrative-territorial entity within St. Petersburg, with the territorial administration located at 7 Kalininskaya Street, Petrodvorets. The district is named after the town of Petrodvorets, the district centre

Petrov V.M. (1896-1966), film director

PETROV Vladimir Mikhailovich (1896, St. Petersburg - 1966), film director, People’s Artist of the USSR (1951). Graduated from Petrograd University and studied at the Alexandrinsky Theatre School in 1916-17. He also completed director V. K

Petrunkevich I. I. (1844-1928), public figure

PETRUNKEVICH Ivan Ilyich (1844-1928) was a public figure and statesman. He was a father-in-law of Countess S.V. Panina. On graduating from the Faculty of Law of St

Pimenov R.I. (1931-1990), mathematician, human rights activist

PIMENOV Revolt Ivanovich (1931-1990), political scientist, human rights activist, Ph.D. (Doctor of Mathematics) (1969). Lived in Leningrad since 1948 (42 Voinova Street, today Shpalernaya Street)

Piotrovsky B.B., (1908-1990), archaeologist

PIOTROVSKY Boris Borisovich (1908, St. Petersburg - 1990, Leningrad), orientalist, archaeologist, museum worker, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970), honoured worker of arts of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1964)

Platonov S.F., (1860-1933), historian

PLATONOV Sergey Fedorovich (1860-1933), historian, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1920). He lived in St. Petersburg from 1869. Graduated from the faculty of history and philology of the University of St. Petersburg in 1882

Pletnev P. A. (1792-1865), poet, critic, publisher

PLETNEV Peter Alexandrovich (1791-1865), critic, poet, publisher, pedagogue, privy councillor (1856), member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841). In 1819 became a member of the Free Society for the Friends of the Russian Philology

Pobedonostsev K.P. (1827-1907), statesman

POBEDONOSTSEV Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907, St. Petersburg), statesman, lawyer, writer and translator, Full Privy Councilor (1883), Personal Secretary (1894). Graduated from the Jurisprudence College in St. Petersburg in 1846

Popov A.S., (1859-1905), physicist

POPOV Alexander Stepanovich (1859-1905, St. Petersburg), physicist and electrical engineer. He graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1882. From 1883 to 1900, he taught at various military educational institutions of Kronstadt and St

Potresov A. N. (1869-1934), Social Democrat, Menshevik

POTRESOV Alexander Nikolaevich (1869-1934) public figure and publicist. On graduating from the Department of Natural History of the Faculty Of Physics And Mathematics of St

Predtechensky A.V. (1893-1966), historian

PREDTECHENSKY Anatoly Vasilievich (1893-1966, Leningrad), historian, Ph.D. (history) 1941. He came to St. Petersburg in 1908. In 1918, he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Petrograd University

Presnyakov A.E., (1870-1929), historian

PRESNYAKOV Alexander Evgenievich (1870-1929, Leningrad), historian, collegiate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1920). He came to St. Petersburg in 1889 and entered the faculty of history and philology of the University of St

Propp V.Y. (1895-1970), literature historian

PROPP Vladimir Yakovlevich (1895-1970), literary historian and folklore scholar awarded a Ph.D. (philology) in 1939. He graduated from Petrograd University with a major in history and philology in 1918

Pumpyansky L.V. (1891-1940), literary critic

PUMPYANSKY Lev Vasilievich [before conversion to Orthodoxy (1911) - Pumpyan Leib Meerovich] (1891-1940, Leningrad), literary critic. In 1912-16, studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) University

Punin N.N., (1888-1953), art historian

PUNIN Nikolay Nikolaevich (1888-1953), art theorist, historian, and museum worker. He lived in Pavlovsk and Tsarskoe Selo from the early 1900s. In 1907-14, he studied at the law faculty and faculty of history and philosophy of Petersburg University

Putilov А.I. (1867-after 1837), entrepreneur

PUTILOV Alexey Ivanovich (1867 - after 1937), statesman, entrepreneur, financier, Actual Civil Counsellor. Graduating from St. Petersburg University with a law degree in 1889, he served in the Ministry of Finance from 1890

Pypin A.N., (1833-1904), literary historian

PYPIN Alexander Nikolaevich (1833-1904), specialist in study of literature, ethnographer, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1898). He was a cousin of N.G. Chernyshevsky

Radio (entry)

RADIO. The first radio transmitter (lightning detector) was demonstrated by А. S. Popov in 1895 at St. Petersburg University. In 1900 Russia's first radio workshop started operations in Kronstadt

Radlov Sergey Ernestovich (1892-1958), director

RADLOV Sergey Ernestovich (1892-1958), director, pedagogue, Honoured Worker of the Arts of RSFSR (1940). He graduated from the history and philosophy department of the St. Petersburg University (1916)

Rakov L.L. (1904-1970), Historian, Director of the Museum of Leningrad Defence

RAKOV Lev Lvovich (1904-1970, Leningrad), historian, art historian, museum worker, Ph.D. in History (1938). Rakov graduated from the Department of History of the Leningrad State University in 1929

Ratkov-Rozhnov Family, entrepreneurs and houseowners

RATKOV-ROZHNOV FAMILY, a noble family, state officials, entrepreneurs and houseowners. Close ties to St. Petersburg were kept by V. A. Ratkov-Rozhnov and Alexander Nikolaevich Ratkov-Rozhnov (about 1859-?) who graduated from St

Ratkov-Rozhnov V.A. (1834-1912), Mayor

RATKOV-ROZHNOV Vladimir Alexandrovich (1834-1912, St. Petersburg), public official, businessman, representative of the dynasty of St. Petersburg manufacturers and house-owners (see the Ratkov-Rozhnov Family), Valid Secret Counsellor (1898)

Ravdonikas V.I. (1894-1976), archaeologist

RAVDONIKAS Vladislav Iosifovich (1894-1976, Leningrad), archaeologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1946. He was interested in archaeology from the mid-1910s and dug in Tikhvinsky Uyezd (District)

Revolution of 1905-07

REVOLUTION OF 1905-07. The first people's bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia. Caused by socioeconomic contradictions and the country's political development following the reforms of 1860s-70s

Rodichev F. I. (1854-1933), the public and political figure

RODICHEV Fedor Izmailovich (1854, St. Petersburg - 1933), public and political figure. On graduating from the First St. Petersburg Vocational Gymnasium (1870) he studied at the Department of Natural History in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Roerich N.K., (1874-1947), artist, archaeologist, writer

ROERICH Nikolay Konstantinovich (1874, St. Petersburg - 1947), painter, theatre artist, philosopher and public figure. Studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University and at the Academy of Arts (1893-97) under A.I

Romanov B.A., (1889-1957), historian

ROMANOV Boris Alexandrovich (1889, St. Petersburg - 1957, Leningrad), historian, PhD degree in history (1941). After graduating from the faculty of history and philology of the University of St

Rozhdestvensky D.S., (1876-1940), physicist

ROZHDESTVENSKY Dmitry Sergeevich (1876, St. Petersburg - 1940, Leningrad), physicist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). The husband of O.A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya. In 1900, he graduated from the University of St

Rukhin Evgeny Lvovich (1943-1976), artist

RUKHIN Evgeny Lvovich (1943-1976, Leningrad), artist. He studied at the geological department of the Leningrad State University (1961-66). In 1964-65 visited lectures at the Leningrad Mukhina Highest Artistic and Industrial School

Sechenov I.M., (1829-1905), physiologist

SECHENOV Ivan Mikhailovich (1829-1905), physiologist, philosopher, founder of Russian physiological scientific school, Associate (1869) and honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1904). He came to St. Petersburg in 1843

Semenov N.N., (1896-1986), physicist

SEMENOV Nikolay Nikolaevich (1896-1986), physicist, one of the initiators of chemical physics, founder of a scientific school, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1932), Hero of Socialist Labour (1966, 1976)

Semenov-Tyan-Shansky P.P., (1827-1914), geographer

SEMENOV-TYAN-SHANSKY (real name Semenov) Peter Petrovich (1827, St. Petersburg - 1914, Petrograd), geographer, statistician, public figure and statesman, honorary member of the St

Shakhmatov А.А., (1864-1920), philologist and historian

SHAKHMATOV Alexey Alexandrovich (1864-1920, Petrograd), philologist and historian, full member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1894. He graduated from Moscow University with a major in history and philology in 1887. Lived in St

Shaykevich E. G. (c. 1857-1928) entrepreneur

SHAYKEVICH Efim Grigoryevich (c. 1857-1928), entrepreneur and Court Counsellor. Graduating from St. Petersburg University with a major in law, he served in the Senate. He was a member of the board of St

Shchedrin A.F. (1796-1847), architect

SHCHEDRIN Apollon Feodosievich (1796-1847), architect, representative of late Neoclassicism. The son of F.F. Shchedrin. In 1818, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts

Shchegolev P.Е. (1877-1931), historian

SHCHEGOLEV Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931, Leningrad), literary critic, historian, archaeographer and essayist. He entered two faculties of Petersburg University simultaneously in 1895 - the Oriental Faculty and Faculty of History and Philology - but

Shcherba L.V., (1880-1944), linguist

SHCHERBA Lev Vladimirovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1944), philologist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1943 and the Academy of Pedagogical Science of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in 1944

Shcherbatskoy F.I. (1866-1942), orientalist, Indianist, Tibetologist

SHCHERBATSKOY Fedor Ippolitovich (1866-1942), Scholar in Eastern Studies, Sanskritist, Indianist, Tibetologist, Buddhologist, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1918), Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925)

Shishmarev V.F., (1875-1957), philologist

SHISHMAREV Vladimir Fedorovich (1875, St. Petersburg - 1957, Leningrad), philologist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1946. A. N. Veselovsky's student

Shokalsky Y.М., (1856-1940), geographer

SHOKALSKY Yuly Mikhailovich (1856, St. Petersburg - 1940, Leningrad), geographer, corresponding member and honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1923 and 1939, respectively, honoured worker of Science of Russia in 1928

Sidorov M. K. (1823-1887), explorer of the Russian North, public figure

SIDOROV Mikhail Konstantinovich (1823-1887), entrepreneur, public figure, first-guild merchant. He was a student at Arkhangelskaya Gymnasium but failed to finish the course of studies

Smirnov V.I., (1887-1974), mathematician

SMIRNOV Vladimir Ivanovich (1887, St. Petersburg - 1974, Leningrad), mathematician, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943), Hero of Socialist Labour (1967). He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of St

Sobchak A.A. chairman of Leningrad Soviet, mayor in 1990-96

SOBCHAK Anatoly Alexandrovich (1937-2000), statesman and public figure, doctor of law (1982), professor (1982). He graduated from the School of Law of Leningrad State University (1959). Sobchak worked for the Stavropol Regional College of Lawyers

Sollertinsky I.I., (1902-1944), art historian

SOLLERTINSKY Ivan Ivanovich (1902-1944), critic, scholar and teacher. He graduated from the Institute for Art History in 1923 and Romance and Germanic Languages Department of Leningrad State University in 1924

Somov A.I., (1830-1909), art historian

SOMOV Andrey Ivanovich (1830, St. Petersburg - 1909, ibid.), art historian, museum worker and collector. He graduated from Larin's gymnasia in St. Petersburg and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University (1854)

Sorokin P.A. (1889-1968), social revolutionary, sociologist

SOROKIN Pitirim Alexandrovich (1889-1968), sociologist, holder of a master's degree in Sociology (1922). Upon graduating from the Faculty of Law of Petersburg University in 1914, he lectured at Psychoneurological Institute

Speshnev N. A. (1821-1882), revolutionary

SPESHNEV Nikolay Alexandrovich (1821-1882, St. Petersburg) was a member of the circle headed by Petrashevsky. In 1836, he entered the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. In 1839, he entered the Faculty of Eastern Languages of St. Petersburg University

Sreznevsky I.I., (1812-1880), philologist

SREZNEVSKY Izmail Ivanovich (1812-1880, St. Petersburg), philologist, slavicist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1849). He graduated from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Kharkov in 1829. In 1847, he came to St

Starovoytova G.V. (1946-1998), ethnographer, politician

STAROVOYTOVA Galina Vasilievna (1946-1998, St. Petersburg), public and political figure, human rights advocate, ethnopsychologist, Ph.D. (History) (1975). She lived in Leningrad from 1948

Startsev V.I. (1931-2000), Historian

STARTSEV Vitaly Ivanovich (1931, Leningrad - 2000, St. Petersburg) historian, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education (1992), Ph.D. in History (1973)

Stasyulevich М.М. (1826-1911), publisher, historian

STASYULEVICH Mikhail Matveevich (1826, St. Petersburg -1911), historian, journalist, public figure. He graduated the Larinskaya Gymnasium in St. Petersburg (1843, where in 1849-53 took up teaching history)

Steblin-Kamensky M.I. (1903-1981), historian

STEBLIN-KAMENSKY Mikhail Ivanovich (1903, St. Petersburg - 1981, Leningrad), philologist and Scandinavia specialist, Ph.D. (philology) in 1948. He graduated from Leningrad State University with a major in philology in 1939

Sternberg L.Y., (1861-1927), ethnographer

STERNBERG Lev (Haim) Yakovlevich (1861-1927, Duderhof now renamed as the settlement of Mozhaysky, Leningrad Region), an ethnographer, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1924

Stolypin P.A. (1862-1911), statesman

STOLYPIN Peter Arkadievich (1862-1911), statesman, chamberlain (1906). Graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Petersburg University (1885). In 1884-89, he served St Petersburg's Department of Internal Affairs

Stravinsky I.F., (1882-1971), composer

STRAVINSKY Igor Fedorovich (1882, Oranienbaum - 1971), composer and director, son of F.I. Stravinsky. In 1900-05 he studied at the Faculty of Law at Petersburg University, taking composition classes from N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov between 1903 and 1905

Stroganov Family

STROGANOV FAMILY, barons (from 1722) and counts (from 1826; some branches had the title of Count from 1761); family originating from notable people of the second half of the 15th century. Several family members were closely associated with St

Struve P.B. (1870-1944), economist

STRUVE Peter Berngardovich (1870-1944), economist, sociologist, essayist, public figure and politician, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1917. He graduated from Petersburg University with a major in law in 1895

Struve V.V., (1889-1965), orientalist

STRUVE Vasily Vasilievich (1889, St. Petersburg - 1965, Leningrad), orientalist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935), honoured worker of science of the Uzbekistan Soviet Socialist Republic (1943)


STUDENTS of higher and specialised secondary education institutions. The term was adopted in the 18th century to designate those studying at the Academic University

Tarle E.V., (1874-1955), historian

TARLE Evgeny Viktorovich (1874-1955), historian, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1927). He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Kiev University in 1896. In 1901, he moved to St. Petersburg

Timiryazev V.I. (1849-1919), entrepreneur, statesman

TIMIRYAZEV Vladimir Ivanovich (1849-1919), statesman and entrepreneur, Full Privy Counsellor (1909), Chief Staff Master (1909). Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at Petersburg University in 1873

Tkachev P.N. (1844-1885/86), revolutionary, publisist

TKACHEV Peter Nikitich (1844-1885), participant of the revolutionary movement, literary critic, publicist, one of the ideologists of revolutionary Narodnichestvo (Populism). From 1851 lived with his family in St. Petersburg

Tolstoy I.I. (1858-1916), archaeologist, numismatist, vice-president of the Academy of Arts

TOLSTOY Ivan Ivanovich (1858, the town of Luga of St. Petersburg province -1916), count (1866), statesman and public figure, numismatist and archaeologist, Staff Master (1898), Honorary Fellow of the St

Tomashevsky B.V., (1890-1957), literary historian

TOMASHEVSKY Boris Viktorovich (1890, St. Petersburg - 1957), literary historian, PhD degree in philology (1941; doctorate honoris causa). He graduated from the Technical Faculty of the University of Liege in 1912

Treshnikov А.F. (1914-1991), geographer

TRESHNIKOV Alexey Fedorovich (1914-1991, St. Petersburg), geographer, oceanologist, polar explorer, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1981 and Hero of Socialist Labour in 1949. He graduated from Leningrad State University in 1939

Turaev B.A., (1868-1920), orientalist

TURAEV Boris Alexandrovich (1868-1920, Petrograd), orientalist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1918). He came to St. Petersburg in 1886. He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology at St

Ukhtomsky A.A., (1875-1942), physiologist

UKHTOMSKY Alexis Alexeevich (1875-1942), physiologist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935). He graduated from Moscow Ecclesiastical Academy in 1898. In 1902, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the University of St

Universitetskaya Embankment

UNIVERSITETSKAYA EMBANKMENT (prior the end of the 18th century, Kadetskaya Embankment, until 1887 - Bolshaya Neva River Embankment), is situated on the right bank of the Bolshaya Neva, between Birzhevaya Square and Sixth Line of Vasilievsky Island

University Concerts

UNIVERSITY CONCERTS, musical experience for students of the Imperial University, arranged in the assembly hall of the university from 1842 to the late 1850s on the initiative of court musician, violoncellist and conductor K.B

Uteman F. F., entrepreneur

UTEMAN Franz Frantsevich (1868-1925), entrepreneur, Actual Civil Counsellor. He was a son of a German who opened an agency business in St. Petersburg in 1867. After graduating from St

Utin Y. I. (1839-1916), entrepreneur

UTIN Yakov Isaakovich (1839-1916), entrepreneur, Privy Counsellor. Graduating from St. Petersburg University with a major in law in 1860, he served in the Department of Justice and was promoted to serve as the Director of the Department

Valk S.N., (1887-1975), historian

VALK Sigizmund Natanovich (1887-1975, Leningrad), historian, archeograph, archivist, Ph.D. (Doctor of Historical Sciences) (1936), Professor (1946). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Petersburg University (1913)

Vasileostrovsky District

VASILEOSTROVSKY DISTRICT is an administrative territorial unit of St. Petersburg. (Its territory administration is located at 55 Bolshoy Avenue of Vasilievsky Island) Its present-day borders were formed in 1917 (the western part was a separate

Vasilievsky Island

VASILIEVSKY ISLAND, the largest island in the estuary of the Neva 1,090 hectares in area. The island is washed by the Bolshaya Neva in the south and the Malaya Neva in the northeast

Vasilyevsky V.G. (1838-1899), historian

VASILYEVSKY Vasily Grigorievich (1838-99), historian, member of Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1890. He graduated from Petersburg University with a major in history and philology in 1860 and worked there as a teacher

Venediktov A.V.(1887-1959), lawyer

VENEDIKTOV Anatoly Vasilievich (1887-1959, Leningrad), lawyer, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), honoured worker of science of the USSR (1942). Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of St

Vengerov S.A., (1855-1920), historian of literature, bibliographer

VENGEROV Semen Afanasievich (1855-1920, Petrograd), historian literature, bibliographer, public figure. Since 1868, Vengerov lived in St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Petersburg University in 1879

Vereysky G.S., (1886-1962), graphic artist

VEREYSKY Georgy Semenovich (1886-1962, Leningrad), graphic artist, full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1949), people's artist of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1962). He studied in Kharkov and was a student of M. V

Vernadsky V.I., (1863-1945), chemist

VERNADSKY Vladimir Ivanovich (1863, St. Petersburg - 1945), chemist, mineralogist and crystallographer, Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1912), the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917), and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925)

Veselovsky A.N., (1838-1906), literature historian

VESELOVSKY Alexander Nikolaevich (1838-1906, St. Petersburg), literature historian, Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1880). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University (1858)

Vinaver M. M. (1863-1926), public figure

VINAVER Maxim Moiseevich (1862 or 1863-1926) was a public and political figure, and lawyer. On graduating from the Faculty of Law of Warsaw University (1886), he became an assistant to an attorney (from 1904 an attorney in St. Petersburg)

Vinogradov V.V. (1894/95-1969), linguist

VINOGRADOV Viktor Vladimirovich (1894/95-1969), philologist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946), member of many foreign academies. In 1918, he concurrently graduated from the Institute of History and Philology and Archaeological

VOEYKOV A.I., (1842-1916), climatologist, geographer

Voeykov Alexander Ivanovich (1842-1916), climatologist and geographer, founder of climatology in Russia, Corresponding Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1910)

Volkonsky S.M. (1860-1937), dramatist

VOLKONSKY Sergey Mikhailovich (1860-1937), Prince, dramatist and critic, pedagogue, expert on acting technique theory, historian, writer, and Staff Master (1901). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology at St

Voronin M. S. (1838-1903), public figure, entrepreneur

VORONIN Mikhail Stepanovich (1838, St. Petersburg 1903, St. Petersburg), botanist, public figure, entrepreneur, patron of arts, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1898). He graduated from St

Vrubel М.А., (1856-1910), painter

VRUBEL Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910, St. Petersburg), painter. From childhood lived in St. Petersburg with his family. He visited the Drawing School of the Society for Encouragement of Arts in 1864 and 1868-69

Vyshnegradsky A.I. (1867-1925), industrialist

VYSHNEGRADSKY Alexander Ivanovich (1867 St. Petersburg - 1925), businessman, Chamberlain (1905), Actual Civil Councillor (1915). Son of I.A. Vyshnegradsky. After graduating from the Faculty of Law of Petersburg University (1889)

Yakubovich P.F. (1860-1911), poet, revolutionary

YAKUBOVICH Peter Filippovich (1860-1911, St. Petersburg), poet, writer, participant of People"s Will movement of the 1880s. He graduated from Faculty of History and Philology of Petersburg University (1882)

Yanson Y.E. (1835-1893), statistician and economist

YANSON Yuly Eduardovich (1835-1893, St. Petersburg), statistician and economist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences from 1892. He graduated from Kiev University with a major in history and philology in 1855. Lived in St

Yatsevich A.G. (1887-1942), Regional Ethnographer

YATSEVICH Andrey Grigorievich (1887, St. Petersburg - 1942, Leningrad) art historian, regional ethnographer, specialist in the works by Pushkin. Yatsevich graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University in 1905

Yudina M.V. (1899-1970), pianist

YUDINA Maria Veniaminovna (1899-1970), pianist, teacher. In 1921 she graduated from the Petrograd Conservatory, where she studied under A.N. Esipova and L.V. Nikolaev

Zhebelev S.A., (1867-1941), historian

ZHEBELEV Sergey Alexandrovich (1867, St. Petersburg - 1941, Leningrad), historian, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1927). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Petersburg University in 1890

Zhirmunsky V.M., (1891-1971), philologist

ZHIRMUNSKY Viktor Maximovich (1891, St. Petersburg - 1971, Leningrad), philologist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966). Graduated from the Tenishev School in 1908 and the Faculty of History and Philology of Petersburg University in

Zinoviev A.D. (1854-1931), Civilian Governor

ZINOVIEV Alexander Dmitrievich (1854-1931), statesman, Secret Counsellor (1906). He graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (1877). In 1884-97, he served as an elector from the nobility in St. Petersburg Region