Baltic Shipping Company
BALTIC SHIPPING COMPANY (BSC). The history of BSC (5 Mezhevoy Canal) goes back to the foundation of St. Petersburg-Lubeck Shipping Society in 1830; its present-day name was given in 1922. By 1941 BSC had 20 ships
Landings, Water (entry)
LANDINGS, WATER. Ship landings were present in St. Petersburg from the first years of its existence. Their location depended on the location and orientation of storage warehouses
Northwest Shipping Lines
NORTHWEST SHIPPING LINES (NWS) (the central office is located at 37 Bolshaya Morskaya Street), open joint-stock company (since 1991), one of the largest enterprises of St. Petersburg transport sector and the system of Russian river transport
River Passages
RIVER PASSAGES. Ever since the early years of St. Petersburg's existence, river passages were set across the Neva river and its canals to provide communication between the islands, by water means of transport in summer and on the ice in winter
River Port
RIVER PORT (195 Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue) was put in operation in 1970 (designed by architects I.N. Kuskov and V.V. Popov). The port was built on the site of the former Ozernaya Quay. The port was intended for passenger transportation
Sea Passenger Terminal
SEA PASSENGER TERMINAL (located at 1 Morskoy Slavy Sq.), is a closed joint-stock holding company, dealing with freight and passenger transportation between St. Petersburg and Germany, travel services and hotel business
Sea Port
SEA PORT, Merchant (located at 5 Mezhevoy Canal) is one of the oldest merchant seaports of Russia, and the biggest operator of cargo traffic in St. Petersburg Sea Port. The first port buildings were laid in St