Optical Telegraph
OPTICAL TELEGRAPH, semaphore telegraph, a visual system of message transfer, using conventional signs (semaphore alphabet, light signals, visible at night as well) given within direct visibility. The St
Post Office, Central
Post Office, CENTRAL (Postamt, from the German meaning Post Office) (9 Pochtamtskaya Street). Founded in St. Petersburg in 1714, located at the Troitskaya Landing (present-day Troitsky Bridge)
Postal Service
POSTAL SERVICE. The general post-office was founded in St. Petersburg in 1714, and “regular post service” was established along the Moscow and Riga routes. In February 1714, the postal service started biweekly runs from St
Telegraph Services
TELEGRAPH. Working in St. Petersburg from 1852, when the first long-distance St. Petersburg - Moscow line was opened (before this, the optical telegraph was used for operational communication)
Telephone Communications
TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS began to operate in St. Petersburg on 30 November 1882, after the construction of the 47km-long St. Petersburg - Gatchina telephone line