Archive of Cinema, Photography and Audio Documents, St. Petersburg
ARCHIVE OF CINEMA, PHOTOGRAPHY AND AUDIO DOCUMENTS, St. Petersburg (2 Muchnoy Lane) was founded in 1936 as Leningrad Regional Photo Archive, 1941-66 it was a part of the State Archive of the October Revolution and Leningrad Region Socialistic
Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
ARCHIVE OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, also known as the St. Petersburg Department (1 Universitetskaya Embankment) was the first scientific archive in Russia
Archives (entry)
ARCHIVES, state repositories, scientific institutions, departmental associations collect, preserve, and work with documents and materials on the history of modern life
Archives, St. Petersburg
ARCHIVES, SAINT PETERSBURG, the Central State Archives of St. Petersburg situated at 15 Varfolomeevskaya Street. They were founded as the Leningrad Regional Archives of the October Revolution in 1936 and renamed as the State Archives of the October
Central St. Petersburg State Historical Archive
CENTRAL ST. PETERSBURG STATE HISTORICAL ARCHIVE (18 Pskovskaya Street) was founded in 1936 as Leningrad Regional Historical Archive, in 1941 it was renamed the Leningrad State Regional Historical Archive
Historical and Political Archives of St. Petersburg
HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL ARCHIVES OF ST. PETERSBURG, Central State Historical and Political Archives situated at 39 Tavricheskaya Street. The archives originated from the Commission for the Collection and Study of Materials on the History of the
House of Plekhanov, department of Russian Science Library
HOUSE OF PLEKHANOV (33/1 Forth Krasnoarmeiskaya Street), a sector of the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian Science Library. It was formed in 1928 as Department No
Russian Historical Archive
RUSSIAN HISTORICAL ARCHIVE, STATE (RSHA) (4 Angliiskaya Embankment) was founded in 1925 as the Leningrad Historical Archive. In 1929-34, it became Leningrad Department of the Central Historical Archive
Russian Navy Archive
RUSSIAN NAVY ARCHIVE, STATE (RSNA) (36 Millionnaya Street) was founded in 1724 for the Admiralty Collegium, and from 1827 it was a part of the Sea Ministry. From August 1917, it was the Central Archive of Fleet and Sea Office
Saint Petersburg Literature and Arts Archives
SAINT PETERSBURG LITERATURE AND ARTS ARCHIVES, Central State (TsGALI SPb) (34 Shpalernaya Street), formed in 1969 on the base of the Central State Archives of the October Revolution of Leningrad
Scientific and Technical Archives of St. Petersburg
SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ARCHIVES OF SAINT PETERSBURG, Central State Scientific and Technical Archives situated at 33 Fifth Sovetskaya Street. They were founded in 1972 based on the scientific and technical department of the Leningrad State Archives