The subject index
Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly
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City Administration/Government Bodies
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (6 St. Isaac's Square), the top legislative organ of state power in St. Petersburg elected for 4 years. The Assembly is comprised of 50 deputies and is located in Mariinsky Palace. It was reorganized as the City Assembly by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December, 21 1993. The first elections were held in two turns on March 20-21 and in April 3, 1994 (25 deputies were elected). On April 1, 1994 the City Assembly Coordination Board convened. Pre-elections were held on October 30 and November 20, 1994. A total of 49 deputies were elected of whom 14 were representatives of administrative staff, 5 were teachers, 11 were businesspersons, 7 – scholars and academics, 6 - representatives of social organizations, 2 – white collar employees, 3 - lawyers, 1 was a worker and 1 was a retiree. During the first session on December 14, 1994 the deputies decreed to rename the City Assembly into the Legislative Assembly. On December 26, 1994 12 standing commissions and 3 coordinating groups were created. One of the structural subdivisions of the Legislative Assembly is the Chamber of Audit (set up in April 1994). Elections of Second Legislative Assembly were held in December 1998. 50 deputies were elected (of whom 26 were deputies of the First Assembly), their mean age was 46, every Deputy had higher education (including 14 deputies with doctorates and 5 with two doctorates). The Second Legislative Assembly was a full-time political organization. On April 14, 1999 the new structure of the Legislative Assembly was approved with two Committees (Budget and Finance Committee and Legislative Committee), 7 standing and 3 (later 5) sectoral commissions, working committees (Review and Revision Commissions), as well as the office of Human Rights Commissioner and the Audit Chamber. Plenary sessions are held weekly on Wednesdays. The Legislative Assembly also sets up deputies' commissions and working groups, delegates its representatives to public organizations and organs of the executive branch. The Legislative Assembly discusses, adopts and controls compliance with laws of St. Petersburg, including the city budget law, the order of administration and disposal of city property, programmes of social and economic development, administrative and territorial division, work of the bodies of local self-government, administration schemes, the structure of St. Petersburg Administration, and the order of elections and referendums in St. Petersburg. The Legislative Assembly elects the Human Rights Commissioner of St. Petersburg and the State secretary of St. Petersburg. The Assembly makes appointments of the member of the Federation Council representing the Legislative Assembly and also of some officials of St. Petersburg Administration, of judges of the City Charter Court and judges of peace. Annually the Legislative Assembly considers over 200 St. Petersburg laws. It approved the Charter of St. Petersburg and amendments to it, and legal acts entitled On the Title Honourable Citizen of St. Petersburg (1996), On Administrative and Territorial Division of St. Petersburg (1996-97), On Local Self-Government (1997), On Borders of Administrative Districts (1998), On State Service of St. Petersburg (2000), the List of Objects of City Environment (1999), and others. A number of target programmes have been approved. Elections of the Third Legislative Assembly took place in December 2002 (50 deputies were elected, of whom 38 were deputies of the Second Assembly). The Legislative Assembly speakers were Y. P. Kravtsov (1995-99), S. B. Tarasov (June 2000-2002), V. A. Tyulpanov (since January 2003). The Assembly publishers Vestnik Zakonodatelnogo Sobraniya Sankt-Peterburga (Bulletin of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg). N. Y. Cherepenina.
Kravtsov Yury Anatolievich
Tarasov Sergey Borisovich
Tyulpanov Vadim Albertovich
St.Isaac's Square/Saint Petersburg, city, house 6
The subject Index
Mariinsky Palace
Charter Court
CHARTER COURT (28 Tchaikovskogo Street), the organ of judicial power, upholding the Charter of St. Petersburg and ensuring supremity of law. The Court took office on September 20, 2000 pursuant to the Law of St. Petersburg dated June 5, 2000
Charter of St. Petersburg
CHARTER OF ST. PETERSBURG, the main normative document of the city adopted by the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg on January 14, 1998, signed by the Governor on February 28, 1998. It is comprised of 12 chapters and 80 articles
City Administration (entry)
CITY ADMINISTRATION. The system of City Administration in St. Petersburg from the beginning of the 18th century developed in 2 directions - the city government and self-government (see City self-government). From 1703 the city was governed by A. D
City Self-Government
CITY SELF-GOVERNMENT, elected organs responsible for different aspects of city life. The beginning of City Self-Government was laid by Tsar Peter the Great, who set up the Town council in 1710 in St. Petersburg
Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg
HONORARY CITIZEN OF ST. PETERSBURG, an honorary title conferred on people who made a considerable contribution to the development of the city. In 1866-1908, 7 persons were conferred this title (the conferring didn"t entail any material privileges or
Leningrad Soviet
LENINGRAD SOVIET (Leningrad City Soviet of People"s Deputies), the supreme authority on the terriory of Leningrad. It originated from Petrograd Soviet of working people and soldiers" deputies founded on February 27 (March 12 New Style)
Mariinsky Palace
MARIINSKY PALACE (6 St. Isaac's Square), an architectural monument of late Neoclassicism. It was constructed in 1839-1844 (architect A.I. Stakensсhneider) on the left bank of the Moika River, close to the Siny Bridge