St.Isaac's Square/Saint Petersburg, city, house 6
Historical style (Eclecticism)
HISTORICAL STYLE (Eclecticism), architectural style of the 1830s-90s. The sense of Eclecticism is the free choice or the amalgamation of methods and motifs of a variety of historical styles, associatively expressing the purpose of buildings
Legislative Assembly
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (6 St. Isaac's Square), the top legislative organ of state power in St. Petersburg elected for 4 years. The Assembly is comprised of 50 deputies and is located in Mariinsky Palace
Mariinsky Palace
MARIINSKY PALACE (6 St. Isaac's Square), an architectural monument of late Neoclassicism. It was constructed in 1839-1844 (architect A.I. Stakensсhneider) on the left bank of the Moika River, close to the Siny Bridge
St. Isaac Square
St.ISAAC SQUARE (St. Isaac’s Square, in 1923-44, Vorovskogo Square), one of the central squares of St. Petersburg. Located between Admiralteisky Avenue and Mariinsky Palace
St. Petersburgers Worldwide Club
ST. PETERSBURGERS WORLDWIDE CLUB (6 St. Isaac Square), a non-profit organisation, founded in 1991 with the purpose of reviving St. Petersburg as a spiritual, intellectual, scientific and cultural centre. Its first president was professor N.A
Vallin de la Mothe J.-B.M. (1729-1800), architect.
VALLIN DE LA MOTHE Jean Baptiste Michel (1729-1800), French architect. Is thought to have studied under the supervision of his cousin, architect J.F. Blondel. In 1750-52, he further perfected his skills in Italy