Dalnevostochny Ave/Saint Petersburg, city
Great Patriotic War, Monuments to (entry)
GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR, MONUMENTS TO. The first monuments devoted to the heroic defence of Leningrad appeared in 1944, immediately after the Lifting of the Siege, with concrete steles depicting the Order of the Patriotic War in Memory of the Defensive
Nevsky District
NEVSKY DISTRICT, an administrative and territorial unit of St. Petersburg, with its administration located at 163 Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue. Formed in 1917, it was called Volodarsky District in 1920-49
Right Bank of the Neva River
RIGHT BANK OF THE NEVA RIVER, a general name of a vast territory on the right bank of the Neva River southwards from the Soyedinitelnaya railway line and the Okhta - Zanevsky Post stretch