Каменский А. Б. Иван VI Антонович // Вопр. истории, 1994
Ivan VI Antonovich (1740-1764), Emperor
IVAN VI (1740, St. Petersburg — 1764, Schlisselburg Fortress), Emperor (1740-1741). He was the son of Anna Leopoldovna and Prince Antony Ulrich of Brunswick, grandson of Tsar Ivan V (brother of Peter the Great)
Mirovich V. Y. (1740-1764), podporuchik
MIROVICH Vasily Yakovlevich (1740-1764, St. Petersburg), a podporuchik (sub-lieutenant) of the Smolenksky Infantry Regiment who did his military service in the garrison of Shliesselburg Fortress where ex-Emperor Ioann VI had been kept as a secret