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Chronograph /
Komissarzhevskaya V.F., (1864-1910), actress

KOMISSARZHEVSKAYA Vera Fedorovna (1864, St. Petersburg - 1910), actress. The sister of F.F. Komissarzhevsky. Studied in Moscow under her father, opera singer and pedagogue F.P

Alexandrinsky Theatre

ALEXANDRINSKY THEATRE (2 Ostrovskogo Square), called Alexandrinsky Theatre 1832-1920, it was granted the status of Academic in 1919, and in 1920 named the Petrograd (Leningrad) State Academic Drama Theatre (Akdrama, Gosdrama)

Andreev L.N. (1871-1919), writer

ANDREEV Leonid Nikolaevich (1871-1919, Navol's house, near Mustamyaka, Finland; today Gorkovskoe Village of Leningrad Region), writer, dramatist. In 1891 he entered Faculty of Law of Petersburg University (dismissed for non-payment)

Angliisky Avenue

ANGLIISKY AVENUE, from 1771 - Aglinskaya Perspective or Anglinsky Avenue; from 1846 it possessed its present-day name; in 1918-94 - Maklina, or MacLean, Avenue in honour of English socialist John MacLean (1879-1923) elected an honorary deputy

Anisfeld Boris Izrailevich (1878-1973), artist

ANISFELD Boris Izrailevich (1878-1973), painter and scenic designer. He studied at the Odessa School of Art (1895-1900) and St. Petersburg's Imperial Academy of Fine Arts (1901-09) under Ilya Repin and Kardovsky (1901-09)

Dobuzhinsky M.V. (1875-1957), artist

DOBUZHINSKY Mstislav Valeryanovich (1875-1957), graphic artist, painter and stage designer. He studied in the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts in 1884-85, A

Dostoevskogo Street

DOSTOEVSKOGO STREET, running from Kuznechny Lane to Sotsialisticheskaya Street. In 1739-99, the main part of the street was called Skatertnaya; the length extending from Svechnoy Lane to Ruzovskaya Street bore the name Semenovskaya Street (after the

Drama Theatre (entry)

DRAMA THEATRE. The performances of the theatre of Tsar Peter the Great's sister, Tsarevna Natalia Alexeevna (from 1714) can be considered as the first attempts to establish a standing public theatre in St. Petersburg


GRAMOPHONE, the first phonographs appeared in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 1880s, shortly after they had been invented by T. Edison. At the beginning of the 1890s they were replaced by gramophone records and gramophones

Griboyedova Canal

GRIBOYEDOVA CANAL (the Ekaterininsky Canal in 1767-1923) starts from the Moika River at the Field of Mars and flows into the Fontanka River at Malo-Kalinkin Bridge. It is 5 km long and 32 meters wide with water flow of 3.1 - 3.4 m3

Italyanskaya Street

ITALYANSKAYA STREET, running from Griboedova Canal to the Fontanka River. Known as Bolshaya Italyanskaya Street from 1871 to 1919, then called Rakova Street until 1991

Komissarzhevskaya Theatre

KOMISSARZHEVSKAYA THEATRE (also called Drama Theatre under the Directorship of V. F. Komissarzhevskaya, and Drama Theatre of V. F. Komissarzhevskaya), a private theatre founded in 1904 by V.F. Komissarzhevskaya

Komissarzhevskaya Theatre

KOMISSARZHEVSKAYA THEATRE (19 Italyanskaya Street). Established in 1942 as the City ("Besieged") Theatre, being legitimized as a drama theatre in 1943, named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya in 1959, and granted academic status in 1994

Komissarzhevsky F.F. (1882-1954), actor and director

KOMISSARZHEVSKY Fedor Fedorovich (1882-1954), director and theatre teacher. The son of F. P. Komissarzhevsky, opera singer and teacher, and the brother of actress V. F. Komissarzhevskaya. He lived in St

Literary and Artistic Society Theatre

LITERARY AND ARTISTIC SOCIETY THEATRE (65 Fontanka River Embankment), also known as St. Petersburg Maly or Suvorin Theatre, named after the president of the society, A.S. Suvorin, who is also the theatre's director and owner

Medved Restaurant

MEDVED (BEAR). A restaurant, opened on 1 October 1878 by Belgian entrepreneur, E. Hiegel in the building of the Demoute Hotel (see Demoute's Tavern; 27 Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street)

Museum of Theatre and Music Art

MUSEUM OF THEATRE AND MUSIC ART, St. Petersburg State (6 Ostrovsky Square). The museum was established in 1918 in the former apartment of the Board of Directors of Imperial Theatres, and has been at this address ever since

Necropolis of Artists

NECROPOLIS OF ARTISTS (in 1823-76, the New Lazarevskoe Cemetary; in 1876-1937, the Tikhvinskoe Cemetery). Memorial Necropolis Park included in 1937 in the City Sculpture Museum. Its square takes up 1.2 hectares

Passage, department store

PASSAGE (48 Nevsky Prospect), a trade-manufacturing company and a department store, private corporation (as of 1992). It originates from the Passage store, built in 1846-48 (architect R.A. Zhelyazevich; rebuilt in 1900 by architect S.S

Pavlovsk Vauxhall

PAVLOVSK VAUXHALL (Pavlovsk Kursaal), concert hall at the Pavlovsk Railway Station (1836, 1844, architects F.I. Rusca, A.I. Stakenschneider, 1861, architect A.V. Petzold), centre of St

Theatre Library

THEATRE LIBRARY, St. Petersburg State (2 Zodchego Rossi Street), the oldest theatre library of Russia. The library is thought to have been founded in 1756, the year when Russian professional theatre first appeared (see Russian Tragedy and Comedy

Tovstonogov G.A., (1913-1989), director

TOVSTONOGOV Georgy Alexandrovich (1913-1989, Leningrad), director, pedagogue, theatre worker, People's Artist of the USSR (1957), Hero of Socialist Labour (1983), corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of GDR (1983)