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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / 21st Line of Vasilievsky Island
Fedotov P.A., (1815-1852), artist

FEDOTOV Pavel Andreevich (1815-1852, St. Petersburg), painter and graphic artist, fellow of the Academy of Arts (1848). A graduate from the First Moscow Cadet Corps, he rendered his service at the Finlyandsky Life Guards Regiment in St

Lines of Vasilievsky Island (entry)

LINES Of VASILIEVSKY ISLAND, the historical name of a number of parallel streets that intersect Vasilievsky Island from the south to the north: First to Twenty-Ninth Lines, Birzhevaya Line, Kozhevennaya Line, Kosaya Line, Mendeleevskaya Line

Mineralogical Society

MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, fully named the All-Russian Mineralogical Society, situated at 2 Twenty-First Line of Vasilievsky Island, one of the oldest mineralogical societies in the world

Mining Museum

MINING MUSEUM of the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute, at 2 Twenty-First Line of Vasilievsky Island, is one of the oldest and biggest geological museums in the world

Plekhanov State Mining Institute, St. Petersburg

PLEKHANOV STATE MINING INSTITUTE, St. Petersburg, (the Technical University), located at 2 Twenty-First Line of Vasilievsky Island is the oldest technical institution of higher education in Russia

Rochefort N.I. de (1846-1905), architect

ROCHEFORT NIKOLAY IVANOVICH DE (1846-1905, St. Petersburg), count, an engineer and an architect. A descendant of French immigrants. Graduated from Nikolaevskoye Engineering School of St

Schaub V.V., (1861-1934), architect.

SCHAUB Vasily Vasilyevich (1861, St. Petersburg - 1934, Leningrad), architect, Member of the Academy of Architecture (1892). Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (1885). He was an architect for insurance societies and charitable institutions

Smolenskoe Field, area

SMOLENSKOE FIELD, the historical name of the area located in the central part of Vasilievsky Island, between Nineteenth Line in the east, Smolenskoe Cemetery (hence the name) in the north and the harbour in the east

Union of Liberation, political organization

UNION OF LIBERATION was an illegal political organization of liberal democratic orientation. It was founded in 1903. The constituent congress was held in St. Petersburg on 3-5 January 1904 in the flats of lawyer I.A