Alarchin Courses
Alexander Column
Alexander Military Law Academy
Alexander Nevsky Bridge
Alexander Nevsky Lavra
Alexander Palace (Pushkin)
Alexander Pushkin, Monuments to (entry)
Alexandrinsky Theatre
Alexandrovsky Bridge
Alexeevsky Ravelin
Alkonost, publishing house, 1918-1923
All-Russian Oil and Geological Survey Institute
All-Russian Pushkin Museum
Almaz Central Design Bureau
Amber Room
Angleterre Hotel
Anichkov Bridge
Anichkov Palace
Anna Akhmatova Literary and Memorial Museum
Annenschule, School
Anniversaries of Petersburg (centenary, bicentenary, two hundred fiftieth anniversary, tercentenary)
Antsiferov Award
Apollon (Apollo), journal
Apraksin Yard
Archaeographical Committee
Archaeological Committee
Archaeological Institute
Architects of Our City, publication series
Architectural Styles (entry)
Architectural-Construction University, St. Petersburg State