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Entries / 1977-1878


Categories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Chronicle of three centuries/1876 - 1900

The country house of P.P. Chistyakov, a professor of painting of the Academy of Arts, who has been living there until 1919, was built on Moscow Road to the design by the architect A. Kolba and with the participation of P.P. Chistyakov. Famous Petersburg artists, academicians of painting N.M. Vasilyev, K.A. Gorbunov, N.A. Gorbunov, Yu.YU. Klever settled in Moscow Road in various years of the 19th century.

Chistyakov Pavel Petrovich
Gorbunov, kirill Antonovich
Klever Yuly Yulevich
Kolb Alexander Christoforovich
Lavrov Nikolay Andreevich
Vasilyev, Mikhail Nikolayevich

Moskovskoe Freeway/Pushkin, town, house 23