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Entries / Field J. (1782 - 1837), composer, pianist

Field J. (1782 - 1837), composer, pianist

Categories / Art/Music, Theatre/Personalia

FIELD John (1782-1837), Irish pianist, composer, teacher. Studied in London under M. Clementi from 1792 to 1802. Started giving concerts throughout Europe as early as 1794. In 1802, together with Clementi, he came to St. Petersburg, where he stayed until 1821. He then moved to Moscow for ten years, resuming his touring in 1831. In 1804 he gave his first public performance in St. Petersburg, and soon gained a reputation as the best pianist and teacher in St. Petersburg. He instructed A.N. Verstovsky, A.L. Gurilev, A.I. Dyubyuk, and gave lessons to V.F. Odoevsky and M.I. Glinka. Main representative of the London school of piano, Field developed his own romantic performing style. His playing was marked by its clear, melodious style, and richness of timbre. He also established the "nocturne" genre of piano music. His first nocturnes, published in St. Petersburg in 1814, gained him wide renown. Over several decades, Field's nocturnes (about 20) and piano concertos (7) were much favoured among Russian musicians as well as the general Russian audience.

References: Дюбюк А. Воспоминания о Джоне Фильде // Книжки недели. 1898. Дек. С. 7-20; Николаев А. А. Джон Фильд. М., 1960.

A. L. Porfiryeva.

Clementi Muzio
Dyubyuk Alexander Ivanovich
Field John
Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich
Gurilev Alexander Lvovich
Odoevsky Vladimir Fedorovich
Verstovsky Alexey Nikolaevich

Дюбюк А. Воспоминания о Джоне Фильде // Книжки Недели, 1898
Николаев А. А. Джон Фильд. М., 1960