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Bibliographies / Гринберг М. С., Успенский Б. А. Литературная война Тредиаковского и Сумарокова в 1740-х - начале 1750-х годов. М., 2001
Sumarokov A.P. (1717-1777), writer

SUMAROKOV Alexander Petrovich (1717-1777), a poet, playwright, dramatist, full civil counsellor (1762). From early childhood he lived in St. Petersburg. In 1740 he graduated from the Gentry Army Cadet Corps, where he began his literary activities

Trediakovsky V.K. (1703-1768), the Poet

TREDIAKOVSKY Vasily Kirillovich (1703-1768, St. Petersburg) poet, philologist. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1745). From 1723, he studied at the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow; from 1725