Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга, XIX – начало ХХ века. СПб., 1998
Historical style (Eclecticism)
HISTORICAL STYLE (Eclecticism), architectural style of the 1830s-90s. The sense of Eclecticism is the free choice or the amalgamation of methods and motifs of a variety of historical styles, associatively expressing the purpose of buildings
Jacot P., (1798-1860), architect.
JACOT Pavel Petrovich (1798-1860), architect and builder, representative of the late Neoclassicism. Native of France, he studied at the School of Fine Arts in Paris (1812-21) under the supervision of Debreu and L.I. Leba. In 1822 he came to St
Krakau A.I. (1817-1888), architect
KRAKAU Georg Alexander (Alexander Ivanovich) (1817-1888), architect, representative of the Academic School, one of the most influential experts on eclecticism. In 1826-39, he studied at the Academy of Arts
Lishnevsky A.L., (1868-1942), architect
LISHNEVSKY Alexander Lvovich (1868-1942), architect, a noted Art Nouveau and Neoclassical artist. He graduated from the Academy of Arts in 1892, and worked in the Ukraine for some time. From 1901, he lived in St. Petersburg
Monighetti I.A. (1819-1878), architect
MONIGHETTI Ippolit Antonovich (1819-1878, St. Petersburg), architect, aquarellist, teacher, associate academy member (1847), professor (1858), court architect (1860)
Pehl A. K. (1809-1902), architect
PEHL Alexander Khristoforovich (1809, St. Petersburg 1902, ibidem), architect. Graduated from the Academy of Arts (1833), associate academy member of architecture (1847), adherent of late Neoclassicism and Eclecticism. Assisted architect А.А
Rachau K.K., (1830-1880), architect
RACHAU Karl Karlovich (1830 - 1880, St. Petersburg), architect, one of the prominent representatives of St. Petersburg Eclectism, master of interiors, accentuating small forms and an architectural scholar
Shustov, Smaragd Loginovich (1789-1870), an architect
Smaragd Loginovich Shustov (1789 – 1870, СПб.), an architect. Shustov graduated from the Academy of Arts (1810). Shustov worked as an assistant of an architect of the office of the St Petersburg Military General Governor
Wirrich E.F. (1860-after 1949), architect
WIRRICH (Wurrich) Ernest-Friedrich Franzevich (1860, St. Petersburg - after 1949), painter, architect, academician of architecture of the Academy of Arts (1908)