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Bibliographies / Гендриков В. Б., Сенько С. Е. Петропавловский собор - усыпальница императорского дома Романовых. СПб., 1998
Grand Princes’ Burial Vault

GRAND PRINCES’ BURIAL VAULT is an architectural monument situated in the territory of Peter and Paul Fortress, an extension to the north-eastern part of SS. Peter&Paul Cathedral

Imperial Burial Vault

IMPERIAL BURIAL VAULT. A final burial place for members of the Imperial Family had not yet been ultimately determined during Peter the Great's reign. The Tsars' kin were most often buried at the Holy Annunciation Church Burial Vault

Imperial Funerals

IMPERIAL FUNERALS, one of the most important ceremonies. Performed according to Emperor Peter the Great's funeral (1725), consisting of three parts: display of the body of the departed, transportation of the body to the SS