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Bibliographies / Нежиховский Р. А. Река Нева и Невская губа. Л., 1981
Islands (entry)

ISLANDS. A characteristic trait of St. Petersburg is its many islands, as it is located on the Neva River delta. There were 33 islands with official names in St

Maps and Atlases (entry)

MAPS AND ATLASES. The first known Russian hand-written picture of the Neva River mouth and the territory adjoining the Gulf of Finland dates back to the late 17th century

Neva Bay

NEVA BAY is a shallow eastern end of the Gulf of Finland located between the Neva River and Kotlin Island (traditionally referred by citizens of St. Petersburg and sailors as "Marquis's Puddle")

Neva, river

NEVA, a river in the north-west of Russia, around which the city of St. Petersburg is located at the river mouth. The river issues from the Shlisselburg Bay of Lake Ladoga and enters the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland