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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Tikhoretsky Ave
История переименований:
Tikhoretsky Ave (as of December 15, 1952)
Polevaya Road (1917 - 1925)
Benois Ave (1909 - December 15, 1952)

Cell Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of

CELL BIOLOGY of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of, located at 4 Tikhoretsky Avenue, is the main scientific research institution for studying cell biology. It was established in 1957 on the initiative of D. N

Central Research Institute of Robotics and Engineering Cybernetics

CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ROBOTICS AND ENGINEERING CYBERNETICS, located at 21 Tikhoretsky Avenue, was established in 1961 as the Experimental-Design Bureau of Engineering Cybernetics at Leningrad Polytechnic Institute

Military Communications University

MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSITY (MCU) (3 Tikhoretsky Avenue) is a higher military educational institution. It prepares command and engineer personnel for the signal troops

Murinsky Stream

MURINSKY STREAM, a water course in the north of St. Petersburg and a tributary to the Okhta River. The name comes from the village of Murino. The stream heads from Sosnovka Park

Science, publishing house

SCIENCE (1 Mendeleevskaya Line), a publishing company, and a department of the Academic Publishing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The publishing house dates back to the Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences established in Petrograd

Sosnovka Park

Sosnovka is a park between Svetlanovsky Avenue, Toreza Avenue, Severny Avenue and Tikhoretsky Avenue. The total area of the park is 303.5 hectares. Sosnovka is a remainder of the vast pine forests on sandy terraces in the northern part of St

Svetlanovsky Avenue

SVETLANOVSKY AVENUE, between Svetlanovskaya Square and Suzdalsky Avenue. The avenue was built in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1910s, the lot between modern Toreza Avenue and Jacques Duclos Street was constructed and given the name

Tikhoretsky Avenue

TIKHORETSKY AVENUE, called Benua Avenue from 1909 to 1952, from Gidrotekhnikov Street to Severny Avenue. The avenue was laid in the early 20th century within the limits of Sosnovka and named after architect Y.Y