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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Grazhdanskaya St.
История переименований:
Grazhdanskaya St. (as of October, 1918)
Meshchanskaya St. (May 15, 1882 - October 1918)
Srednaya Meschanskaya St. (August 20, 1739 - May 15, 1882)
3rd Perevedenskaya street (1730s - 1740s)

Brothel (entry)

BROTHEL (maison of tolerance), establishments where prostitutes provided sexual services for men. Secret houses of prostitution existed in St. Petersburg since the 18th century the first official public houses (brothels) appeared in 1843

Cherny Peredel, revolutionary organizations

CHERNY PEREDEL (Black Repartition), a revolutionary populist organization that came into existence in the summer of 1879 after the split of Zemlya i Volya. Its founders were G.V. Plekhanov, V.I. Zasulich, L.G. Deutsch, P.B. Axelrod, V.N. Ignatov, O

Dostoevsky F. M. (1821-1881), writer

DOSTOEVSKY Fedor Mikhaylovich (1821-1881, St. Petersburg), writer, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1877). In 1837 came to St. Petersburg

Grazhdanskaya Street

GRAZHDANSKAYA STREET, running from Griboedova Canal to Voznesensky Avenue. In the 1730s, it was known as Third Perevedenskaya Street, and called Srednaya Meshchanskaya Street from 1739 to 1882, then called simply Meshchanskaya Street

Schaub V.V., (1861-1934), architect.

SCHAUB Vasily Vasilyevich (1861, St. Petersburg - 1934, Leningrad), architect, Member of the Academy of Architecture (1892). Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (1885). He was an architect for insurance societies and charitable institutions