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Adress index / Pushkin, town / Akademichesky Avenue
История переименований:
Akademichesky Ave (as of the 1920s)

Court Cathedral of Our Lady Feodorovskaya

COURT CATHEDRAL OF OUR LADY FEODOROVSKAYA in Tsarskoe Selo, located at 32 Akademichesky Avenue, Pushkin, an architectural monument, attached to the unfinished complex of Feodorovsky settlement

Danini S.A. (1867-1942), architect.

DANINI Silvio Amvrosievich (1867-1942, Leningrad), architect. Descendent of an Italian family. He lived in St. Petersburg from 1886, graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1892

Dokuchaev V.V., (1846-1903), soil scientist

DOKUCHAEV Vasily Vasilievich (1846-1903), naturalist, soil scientist. In 1871, graduated from the Science Department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Petersburg University

Tsarskoe Selo, palace and park ensemble

TSARSKOE SELO (Pushkin town), a monument of town-planning and a palace and park ensemble dating from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. The core of the ensemble is the estate of Empress Catherine I Sarskaya Myza (founded in 1710)