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Entries / Platonov S.F., (1860-1933), historian

Novoe vremya (The New Time), newspaper, 1868-1917

Categories / Press. Mass Media/Periodical Press/Newspapers

NOVOE VREMYA (The New Time), a political and literary newspaper, which appeared in 1868-1917. In 1876 A. S. Suvorin took over the publishing and turned Novoe Vremya into one of Russia's most popular newspapers, with a circulation reaching 60,000 copies; from 1912 the paper was published in the A. S. Suvorin Novoe vremya publishing company. Already in the 1880s the newspaper asserted a stature of an unscrupulous publication (What’s your pleasure? following Saltykov-Schedrin's definition). Newspaper's leading publicists in its heyday were V. P. Burenin, М. O. Menshikov, V. V. Rozanov. Anton Chekhov, maintaining friendly ties with Suvorin, contributed for the Novoe vremya. On 26 October (8 November).1917 the Novoe vremya was closed by a resolution of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. The editorial office had its seat at 40 Nevsky Prospect, afterwards at 6 Ertelev Lane (today Chekhov Street). The Novoe vremya publishing house (13 Ertelev Alleyway) was one of St. Petersburg's leading printing enterprises.

References: Боханов А. Н. Буржуазная пресса России и крупный капитал, конец XIX в. - 1914 г. М., 1984. С. 43-55; Динерштейн Е. А. А. С. Суворин и его газета Новое время // НЛО. 1995. № 15. С. 183-193.

A. B. Muratov.

Burenin Viktor Petrovich
Chekhov Anton Pavlovich
Menshikov Mikhail Osipovich
Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich
Saltykov-Shchedrin (real name Saltykov) Mikhail Evgrafovich
Suvorin Alexey Sergeevich

Chekhova St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 6
Chekhova St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 13
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 40

Боханов А. Н. Буржуазная пресса России и крупный капитал, конец XIX в. -1914 г. М., 1984
Динерштейн Е. А. А. С. Суворин и его газета "Новое время" // Новое лит. обозрение, 1995
