Search result: alphabet - N
Nartov A.K. (1693 -1756), mechanic
NARTOV Andrey Konstantinovich (1693-1756, St. Petersburg), mechanic. Worked at the Moscow Mint for the artillery department. In 1712, he settled in St. Petersburg, becoming Tsar Peter the Great's private lathe operator
Neradovsky Peter Nikolaevich (1875-1962), artist
NERADOVSKY Peter Nikolaevich (1875-1962), graphic artist, art historian and museum curator. He studied in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1888-96) under Sergey Korovin and Leonid Pasternak and the Academy of Arts
Nicholas I, Emperor (1796-1855)
NICHOLAS I (1796, Tsarskoe Selo - 1855, St. Petersburg), Emperor (from 1825). Emperor Pavel I and Empress Maria Fedorovna's third son. Married the Princess of Prussia (1817), who took the name of Alexandra Fedorovna
Nicholas II, the Emperor (1868-1918)
Nicholas II (1868, Tsarskoe Selo - 1918), Emperor from 1894 to 1917. Son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna. Married Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, who took the name of Alexandra Fedorovna
Nikolay Gavrilovich Shcherbina (1919 – 1952)
N.G. Shcherbina was awarded the Title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on August 22, 1944. He made 424 assault flights (including 120 night flights) and crashed 11 aircrafts in 51 air fights and destroyed 12 aircrafts on airfields.