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Vyshnegradsky A.I. (1867-1925), industrialist

VYSHNEGRADSKY Alexander Ivanovich (1867 St. Petersburg - 1925), businessman, Chamberlain (1905), Actual Civil Councillor (1915). Son of I.A. Vyshnegradsky. After graduating from the Faculty of Law of Petersburg University (1889)

Vyshnegradsky I.A., (1831-1895), scientist technologist, businessman, statesman

VYSHNEGRADSKY Ivan Alexeevich (1831-95, St. Petersburg), statesman, scientist, businessman, Actual Privy Counsillor (1890), Honorary Member of Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1888)

Wahl von V.V. Chief of City Administration 1892-95

WAHL Viktor Vilgelmovich (Vasilyevich) (1840-1915, Petrograd), statesman, General of Cavalry (1904). From 1855, von Wahl was in military service. He graduated from Nikolaevskaya Engineers' Academy (1861)

Warsaw Bridge

WARSAW BRIDGE, across the Obvodny Canal, parallel to Izmailovsky Avenue by the Warsaw Railway Station (hence the name). Built in 1869-70 on the location of the wooden beam bridge

Water Supply Services

WATER SUPPLY SERVICES. Since the very foundation of St. Petersburg the majority of the city population had provided their water supply on their own from the nearest water bodies; the residents of places located far from rivers and canals used the

Water Towers

WATER TOWERS. Tall structures with reservoirs at the top; in St. Petersburg, they were used mainly to provide water to industrial enterprises and railway stations; for storing water in case of emergency; and for the evening-out of water consumption

Wednesdays of Smirnova-Rosset

WEDNESDAYS OF SMIRNOVA-ROSSET were held in the Salon of Alexandra Osipovna Smirnova, born Rosset (1809 or 1810-1882) during the end of the 1820s to the beginning of the 1830s

Weiner P. P., (1879-1931), publisher of the journal Starye Gody

WEINER Peter Petrovich (1879-1931), public figure, museum worker, collector, full member of the Academy of Arts (1912). He graduated from the Alexandrovsky Lyceum in St

White Nights

WHITE NIGHTS, the name of a natural phenomenon connected with the high geographic latitude of the region, the city is situated at latitude of 59.5 degrees north

White Nights, festival

WHITE NIGHTS, A musical and theatrical festival succeeding the Leningrad Festival of Arts held from 1958 to 1963. The annual festival was conducted in Leningrad from 1964 to 1990, on 21-29 June

Widows' House

WIDOWS' HOUSE, charitable establishment for widows and their children. It was opened in 1803 on the initiative of Empress Maria Fedorovna on Vyborgskaya Side, in October 1809 it moved to the former Smolny Convent (today 1 Smolnogo Street)

Wiese V.Y., (1886-1954), oceanologist, explorer of the Arctic Zone

WIESE Vladimir Yulievich (1886, St. Petersburg - 1954), scientist, explorer of the Arctic Zone, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1933). Graduated from Gottingen University in 1910. In 1912-14, took part in G.Y


WILDLIFE. The St. Petersburg region’s fauna includes about 60 mammal species, up to 250 bird species, a considerable number of amphibians and reptilians, as well as plentiful invertebrates such as worms, insects, etc

Willie Y. V., (1768-1854), baronet

WILLIE Yakov (James) Vasilievich (1768-1854, St. Petersburg) was a baronet (1819), organiser of military medical service, Doctor of Medicine(1794), court medic (1799), honourable member of St

Wilson A. Y. (1776-1866), engineer, manager of Izhorsky Plants

WILSON Alexander Yakovlevich (1776-1866), production manager, general engineer (1853). Native of Scotland, he and his father Yakov Wilson, a blacksmith, came to Russia in 1784

Winter Canal

WINTER CANAL was dug from the Palace Embankment to the Moika river embankment by the contractor V. Ozerov (228 meters long, about 20 meters wide, average waterflow of 2m3/s) in 1718-19

Winter Garden, Variety Theatre

WINTER GARDEN (Zimny Sad), a variety theatre, opened in 1875 by impresario K. Kulebyakin on the spot of the restaurant Orfeum in the former apartment of the English Club (9 Fontanka River Embankment, having been rebuilt)

Winter Palace

WINTER PALACE, the Great Winter Palace (38 Dvortsovaya (Palace) Embankment), a Baroque architectural monument (1754-1762, architect F.B. Rastrelli). Up until 1917, it remained the main Imperial residence in St

Winter Palace Fire of 1837

WINTER PALACE FIRE OF 1837. Started on the evening of 17 December 1837, due to a faulty chimney connecting the choirs and the wooden vault in Peter the Great's Hall

Winter Palaces

WINTER PALACES. The first Winter Palace, "a small house of Dutch design ", was constructed in March of 1708 for Tsar Peter the Great on the left bank of the Neva River in a row of the houses for Admiralty department officials

Wirrich E.F. (1860-after 1949), architect

WIRRICH (Wurrich) Ernest-Friedrich Franzevich (1860, St. Petersburg - after 1949), painter, architect, academician of architecture of the Academy of Arts (1908)

Witte S.Y. (1849-1915), statesman

WITTE Sergey Yulievich (1849-1915, П.), count (1905), statesman, Actual Privy Counsellor (1899), Secretary of State (1896), Honorary Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1893)

Wittgenstein P.K. (1768-1842) Field Marshal

WITTGENSTEIN [Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg] Petr Khristianovich (Peter Christian Adolf) (1768-1842), Count, from 1834 Gracious Prince, military commander, Field Marshal General (1826)

Wolf M.O. (1825-1883), publisher

WOLF Mavriky Osipovich (Boleslav Maurytzy) (1825-1883, St. Petersburg), publisher and book-seller. He graduated from a gymnasium in Warsaw in 1838. He lived in St. Petersburg from 1848. Wolf set up his own company under the label M.O

Wolff et Beranget Confectionery

WOLFF ET BERANGET CONFECTIONERY (18 Nevsky Prospect). Opened by the entrepreneurs S.Wolff and T. Beranget in the early 1800s on the first floor of the K.B. Kotomin Building (see House of Kotomin); in the 1820s

Women’s Institutes (Entry)

WOMEN’S INSTITUTES were boarding schools of intermediate education. They were under the oversight of the Department of Empress Maria's Establishments in 1796-1917

Women’s Pedagogical Institute

WOMEN’S Pedagogical Institute was an institution of higher education of the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria. It was established in 1903 on the basis of the Pedagogical Courses of the St. Petersburg Girls’ Gymnasia

Women’s Polytechnic Institute

WOMEN’S POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, the first ever Russian technical institution of higher education for women. It was established in 1905 on the initiative of a group of scientists with a financial support of the Society for Funding Women’s Technical

Workers' Towns (entry)

WORKERS' TOWNS. Building complexes which combined housing, educational and service institutions. The construction of workers' towns in Russia started in the 1900s on the initiative of the Association for the Organisation and Improvement of Housing

World of Art, Association

WORLD OF ART, an art association. Begun in the mid-1890s by a circle of students, the main body including graduates of K. I. May's Gymnasium, such as Alexander N. Benois, W. F. Nouvel, and D. V. Filosofov, who were later joined by L. S. Bakst, S. P