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The subject index / Zenit, football club

Zenit, football club

Categories / Sports/Sports Organizations

ZENIT, football club. Established in May 1925, under the name of Stalinets (from 1940 - Zenit). Zenit FC participated in the USSR championships from 1936 (from 1938 off and on in the major league). The team won the USSR championship in 1984, earned silver medals in 2003, and bronze medals in 1980, 2001. Zenit FC was the USSR Cup winner in 1944, 1999, finalist in 1939, 1984 and 2002; the USSR Super Cup winner in 1985. The most important achievement in European club tournaments was the participation in the 1/8 of the Final of the European Championship (1985/86). Zenit plays at Petrovsky Stadium. From among Zenit players L.D. Burchalkin played in most games of the USSR championships - 400, he was the best shooter as well with 78 goals. The best result in one championship had A.N. Korotkov (22 goals, 1950). Among the Zenit head coaches were G.S. Zonin, L.F. Sadyrin, A.F. Byshovets, Y.A. Morozov, and others. By 2002 four Zenit players played for the Russian (USSR) national team at World Championships - A. I. Ivanov, V.S. Danilov, N.E. Larionov and A.A. Kerzhakov.

I. A. Bogdanov.

Biryukov Mikhail Yurievich
Burchalkin Lev Dmitrievich
Byshovets Anatoly Fedorovich
Danilov Vasily Savelievich
Ivanov Alexander Ivanovich
Kerzhakov Alexander Anatolievich
Korotkov Anatoly Nikolaevich
Larionov Nikolay Evgenievich
Morozov Yury Andreevich
Rapoport Boris Zavelievich
Sadyrin Pavel Fedorovich
Zonin German Semenovich

Официальный сайт ФК "Зенит". URL: http://www.fc-zenit.ru
