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The Arsenal (Monbijou) (an ensemble of the Alexander Park).The Empress received Ambassadors of France and Austria in the pavilion Monbijow, that was richly decorated with pictures of hunting plot. The hunting pleasure-lodge Monbijow got dilapidated after a time. During 1817-1834 it was rebuilt by architects A. Menelaws and K. Thorn. The central two-storeyed volume of the Monbijow was done the base of the new composite design. It is considered that architectural motifs of the castle Shrubs-Hill, a Gothic style castle in England which was known according to etchings, were used for decorating facades. The building was transformed into a museum after rebuilding. Emperor Nicholas I ordered to place a magnificent collection of arms, armours, eastern saddle-clothes and he ordered to name the pavilion with the new name as Arsenal. Later the collections of the pavilion Arsenal were transferred to the Imperial Hermitage and other museums. Models of Russian mounted regiments uniforms were placed in the pavilion. Besides collections of glass and porcelain objects of the Imperial porcelain Works were exhibited there. The pavilion Arsenal (Monbijow) was partly destroyed during WWII and it has not been restored yet. Authors
Semenova Galina Victorovna
Chevakinsky Savva Ivanovich
Menelas Adam Adamovich Nicholas I, Emperor Rastrelli Francesco de Thorn, Aleksandr Andreyevich Addresses
Pushkin, town
The subject Index
Lomonosov Porcelain Factory