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The subject index / Krasnye Zori, the School-Colony

Krasnye Zori, the School-Colony

Categories / Science. Education/Educational Institutions

KRASNYE ZORI (Red Lovages), an agricultural school colony, established by pedagogue and innovator I. V. Ionin (1893-1939) in 1919 in the village Mikhailovka near Strelna. Education and upbringing at Krasnye Zori was based on the practical study of nature, agricultural labour and techniques. Cultivating 150 hectares of land, the pupils not only provided themselves with food but also delivered agricultural food for Leningrad. In 1937, Ionin and a group of teachers from Krasnye Zori were repressed on false charges. In the spring of 1942, the pupils were evacuated to Yaroslavl Region and the colony was ceased. The name of the region and railway platform Krasnye Zori originate from the name of the colony.

References: Ионин И. В. Школа-колония Красные зори: Из опыта дет. трудовой шк.-колонии. Л., 1933; Бубликова Г. Г., Голышев П. В. Повесть о "Красных зорях": Док. рассказ об уникальном дет. учреждении, существовавшем в Стрельне Ленингр. обл. в 1919-1941 гг. СПб., 1996.

O. N. Ansberg.

Ionin I.V.

Ионин И. В. Школа-колония Красные зори: Из опыта дет. трудовой шк.-колонии. Л., 1933
Бубликова Г.Г., Голышев П.В. Повесть о "Красных зорях": Док. рассказ об уникальном дет. учреждении, существовавшем в Стрельне Ленингр. обл. в 1919 - 1941 гг. СПб., 1996

The subject Index
Mikhailovka, manor

Mikhailovka, manor

MIKHAILOVKA (Mikhailovskoe), a manor (summer residence) on the Peterhof Road, situated east of Znamenka. In the early 18th century, A.S. Menshikov's summer residence Favorite was situated in this area