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The subject index / Religious and Philosophical Assemblies

Religious and Philosophical Assemblies

Categories / Science. Education/Learned Societies

RELIGIOUS AND PHILOSOPHICAL ASSEMBLIES, held from November 1901 to April 1903 in the hall of the Russian Geographical Society at 2 Chernysheva Square (today, Lomonosova Square). They were started on the initiative of D. S. Merezhkovsky, Z. N. Gippius, D. V. Filosofova, V. V. Rozanova, V. S. Mirolyubov, A. N. Benois and V. A. Ternavtsev, et al., approved by K. P. Pobedonostsev, the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod and Metropolitan Antony (Vadkovsky). The assemblies were held with Bishop Sergius, the Rector of the St. Petersburg Ecclesiastical Academy, as the chairman. They were attended by representatives of the clergy and general public to discuss the relationships between church, intelligentsia, the state, freedom of conscience, church and marriage, Christian doctrine, etc. Minutes were published in Novy Put. After 22 assemblies were held, they were discontinued by order of Pobedonostsev.

Reference: Безносов В. Г. Путь к духовному синтезу: О религ.-филос. собраниях в С.-Петербурге // Звезда. 1993. № 3. С. 164-172; Михайлов П. Е. Неизвестные страницы петербургских религиозно-философских собраний (1901-1903 гг.) // Мир источниковедения: (Сб. в честь С. О. Шмидта). М.; Пенза, 1994. С. 124-128.

А. I. Tafintsev.

Antony (Alexander Vasilievich Vadkovsky), Metropolitan
Benois Alexander Nikolaevich
Filosofov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Gippius Zinaida Nikolaevna
Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich
Mirolyubov Viktor Sergeevich
Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich
Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich
Sergy (Ivan Nikolaevich Stargorodsky), Patriarch
Ternavtsev Valentin Alexandrovich

Lomonosova Square/Saint Petersburg, city, house 2

Безносов В. Г. Путь к духовному синтезу: О религ.-филос. собраниях в С.-Петербурге // Звезда, 1993
Михайлов П. Е. Неизвестные страницы петербургских религиозно-философских собраний (1901-1903 гг.) // Мир источниковедения: (Сб. в честь С.О.Шмидта). М.; Пенза, 1994

The subject Index
Russian Geographical Society
Theological Academy


Petrov Grigory (1866-1925), priest

PETROV Grigory Spiridonovich (1866-1925), priest, public figure and publicist (under the pen-name of Russky). He graduated from St. Petersburg Theological Seminary in 1886 and St. Petersburg Theological Academy in 1891

Rozanov V. V. (1856-1919), writer, publicist

ROZANOV Vasily Vasilievich (1856-1919), essayist, critic, publicist. Graduated from the History and Philosophy Department of the Moscow University (1882). From 1893-1917 resided in St. Petersburg

Salons, Circles and Literary Gatherings (Entry)

SALONS, CIRCLES AND LITERARY GATHERINGS. During the 18th century regular gatherings of writers were uncommon, but those that there were portrayed different stylistic and philosophic positions