The subject index
SS. Zachariah and Elizabeth Church
SS. Zachariah and Elizabeth ChurchCategories / Religion. Church/Places of Worship (see also Architecture and Urban Planning) References: Антонов В. В., Кобак А. В. Святыни Санкт-Петербурга: Ист.-церков. энцикл. СПб., 1996. Т. 2. С. 59-62. V. V. Antonov. Persons
Benois Leonty Nikolaevich
Chistyakov Pavel Petrovich Faberge Сarl Gustavovich Nesterov Mikhail Vasilievich Ziegler von Schaffhausen Karl Karlovich Addresses
Zakharievskaya Street/Saint Petersburg, city, house 22
Антонов В. В., Кобак А. В. Святыни Санкт-Петербурга: Ист.-церков. энцикл.: В 3 т. СПб., 1994-1996
The subject Index
Cavalier Guards Regiment
Baroque Faberge Company Obnovlentsy Military Engineering University Chronograph