19934 July. The monument to Emperor Nicholas II (to the design by the sculptor V.V. Zaiko) was erected on the territory of the Fiodorovsky Emperor Cathedral using the money of S.Rogov, the patron of arts. July. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexis II visited Pushkin Town. December. B.N. Lebedev, V.G. Zhuraclev, Yu.F. Shitov, I.A. Alekseyev, artists - restorers of the Catherine Palace, were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for re-creating décor painting of the palace and pavilions. Polish restorers of the company PKZ finished to restore the Great and Small Caprice, Cross Bridge and facades of the Agate Rooms. Persons
Akhmadulina, Izabella Akhatovna
Alekseyev, I.A. Alexy II (Ridiger Alexey Mikhailovich), Patriarch Blotner, Boris Lvovich Freindlikh Alisa Brunovna Krivulin Viktor Borisovich Kurekhin Sergey Anatolievich Lebedev, B.N. Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich Nekrasov, Sergey Mikhaylovich Petay, Marina Nikolayevna Rigov, S. Rostropovich Mstislav Leopoldovich Shitov, Yu.F. Sokurov Alexander Nikolaevich Vishnevskaya Galina Pavlovna Yakimchuk, Nikolay Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Zayko Viktor Vladimirovich Zhuravlev, V.G. The subject Index
Court Cathedral of Our Lady Feodorovskaya