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The Admiralty (“Holland”)
The Admiralty (“Holland”)The middle pavilion was used as a Boat shed where the Tsarskoye Selo flotilla boats were kept in the ground floor. In summer time the boats were given for boating in the Great Lake to all people who was interested in it, they even queued at the Great Pier. Inside there was a model of the seventy-gun navy ship “Leipzig”, a South-American boat-pirogue, oars and another rigging that was kept here in winter. The Large Hall, decorated with white glazed Holland style tiles, occupied the first floor. English etchings and drawings, pictures with depicting ruins, the famous Gottorpsky Globe was can seen here. The identical side pavilions of the Admiralty – the Bird Houses – were used for keeping birds: swans, pheasants, geese and ducks of especially exotic species. In small decorative yards and in a pavilion there were pools for the wintering of birds. During his morning walks, Alexander I liked to feed birds by himself, he put on a special glove for feeding. Authors
Semenova Galina Victorovna
Alexander I, Emperor
Elizaveta Petrovna, Empress Neelov Vasily Ivanovich Addresses
Ekaterininsky Park/Pushkin, town
The subject Index
Gottorp Globe