Liteiny Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 1
Foundry Yard
FOUNDRY YARD (Liteiny Dvor) (Cannon Foundry Yard), one of the first industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg. It was founded in 1711 on the left bank of the Neva River (at the present-day location of Liteiny Bridge)
Guards Artillery
GUARDS ARTILLERY, general name for artillery units and formations, consisting of the Guards. The Life Guards of the 1st, 2nd and Horse Artillery Brigades (each of which including 6 batteries with 6-8 pieces in each one)
Liteiny Avenue
LITEINY AVENUE [in 1918-44 - Volodarskogo Avenue, after revolutionary V. Volodarsky (1891-1918)], between Liteiny Bridge and Nevsky Prospect. In 1711, a foundry was founded at the beginning of future Liteiny Avenue; later, houses of craftsmen