Novoizmailovsky Ave/Saint Petersburg, city
Airports (entry)
AIRPORTS (airdromes, terminal buildings). In 1911-14, in St. Petersburg’s first airport, Korpusnoy Airdrome was situated near present-day Novo-Izmailovsky Avenue (see Aviatorov Park)
Aviators' Park
AVIATORS' PARK is situated in the southern part of St. Petersburg, between Novo-Izmailovsky Avenue and Basseynaya, Kubinskaya, and Kuznetsovskaya Streets, occupying as total 35.2 hectares
Moskovsky District
MOSKOVSKY DISTRICT is an administrative territorial unit of St. Petersburg. (Its territory administration is located at 129 Moskovsky Avenue) It was founded in 1919, and its present-day borders were established in 1965
Novo-Izmailovsky Avenue
NOVOIZMAILOVSKY AVENUE between Blagodatnaya Street and Konstitutsii Square. It was laid close to the former Korpusnoe Highway in the same direction as one of the three radial roads - Voznesensky Avenue and Izmailovsky Avenue (hence the name
Speransky S.B. (1914-1983), architect.
SPERANSKY Sergey Borisovich (1914-1983, Leningrad), architect, people's architect of the USSR (1971), full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1979). He graduated from the Academy of Arts (1941), where he later lectured (from 1947)