Kolokolnaya St./Saint Petersburg, city
Kolokolnaya Street
KOLOKOLNAYA STREET, located between Vladimirsky Avenue and Marata Street. Constructed in the 1740s according to a project by the St. Petersburg Construction Commission
Povarskoy Lane
POVARSKOY LANE (originally called Basmannaya Street; in the 1770s, it was renamed Povarskaya Street, remained as such until the 1790s), between Stremyannaya Street and Kolokolnaya Street. It was built in the 1740s, following the designs of the St
Vladimirskaya Square
VLADIMIRSKAYA SQUARE, in 1739 - Torgovaya Square, in 1923-50 - Nakhimsona Square after revolutionary S. M. Nakhimson (1885-1918). The square is bounded by Zagorodny Avenue, Vladimirsky Avenue, Kuznechny Lane, Kolokolnaya Street