Liteiny Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 32
Dobrolyubov N. A. (1836-1861), critic, publicist
DOBROLYUBOV Nikolay Alexandrovich (1836-1861, St. Petersburg), critic, publicist, poet. Studied at the Nizhegorodsky Theological Academy and Seminary. From 1853 lived in St. Petersburg
Pehl A. K. (1809-1902), architect
PEHL Alexander Khristoforovich (1809, St. Petersburg 1902, ibidem), architect. Graduated from the Academy of Arts (1833), associate academy member of architecture (1847), adherent of late Neoclassicism and Eclecticism. Assisted architect А.А
Second-Hand Book Trade (entry)
SECOND-HAND BOOK TRADE or bouquiniste trade (from the French word bouquin - an old book). From the time of the opening of the book trade in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 18th century