Lesnaya Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 19
Lesnoy Avenue
LESNOY AVENUE, from Akademika Lebedeva Street to Institutsky Lane, joining the Finlyandsky Railway Station with the Lesnoy District. The street was laid in the 19th century; until 1913, the avenue
Nobel Family, entrepreneurs
NOBEL FAMILY, entrepreneurs from Sweden. Emmanuel Nobel (1801-72), a professor of descriptive geometry and engineering at Stockholm Technological Institute, came to Russia in 1837, and his family moved to St. Petersburg in 1842
People's Houses (entry)
PEOPLE'S HOUSES, cultural and educational institutions of a club nature, meant mainly for workers and craftspeople. They were created in St. Petersburg from the early 1880s, as a rule, in the suburbs, subsidized by the Municipal Duma
Political Parties (entry)
POLITICAL PARTIES, groups of people united by political opinions and goals fixed in party documents; possessing certain membership requirements, internal structure and types of activities stated in the regulations; relying on a certain social base