Bolshaya Morskaya St./Saint Petersburg, city
Admiralteisky District
ADMIRALTEISKY DISTRICT, (Admiralty) an administrative territorial unit of St. Petersburg (Its territory administration is located at 10 Izmailovsky Avenue), is one of the central districts of the city
ADMIRALTY, in the 18-19 centuries - a place for the building and repairing of warships, provided with all the necessary equipment (dockyards, ship-ways, slipways, storehouses, workshops, etc.). In St
Book Trade (entry)
BOOK TRADE. State, institutional and private book trading has been carried out in St. Petersburg since the first years of its existence. The first official bookshop belonged to the St
Chicherin House
CHICHERIN HOUSE (Kosikovsky House, Eliseev House) (15 Nevsky Prospect), monument of early Neoclassical architecture. Built in 1768-71 (architect unknown, possibly G.B. Vallin de la Mothe or Y.M. Felten) for general chief of police N.I
Circus (entry)
CIRCUS. The establishment of circuses in St. Petersburg was preceded by traditional Russian amusements and games where trained animals took part in the fun. In the first years of the city's live bear-baiting (bear comedies) appeared in St
Concert Halls (entry)
CONCERT HALLS appeared in St. Petersburg in the late 18th century. Earlier, musicians arranged paid concerts in palaces of grandees, theatres, and taverns. The first documented series of public concerts refers to the concerts given by G
Furnished Apartments (entry)
FURNISHED APARTMENTS (affectionately known as “meblirashkas”). Furnished rooms for rent; mostly popular in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The price for a furnished apartment was equal to that of a second-class hotel
Gas Supply Services
GAS SUPPLY SERVICES. The first gas-generating retort installations in Russia appeared in St. Petersburg in the early 19th century. Initially gas was used for lighting. In 1819 the first gas lamps were lit on Aptekarsky Island
Glinka Capella
THE GLINKA CAPELLA (Leningrad Academic Glinka Capella), 20 Moika River Embankment, the oldest professional choir. It takes its origin in the Choir of Sovereign’s Chorister Scribes established in Moscow in 1479 for singing at church services and
Gorokhovaya Street
GOROKHOVAYA STREET, runs from Admiralteysky Avenue to Zagorodny Avenue, crossing the Moika River (Krasny Bridge), Griboedova Canal (Kamenny Bridge) and the Fontanka River (Semenovsky Bridge)
Grimm D.I., Grimm G.D., Grimm G.G., architects
GRIMMS, a dynasty of architects, theorists, art historians and teachers. David Ivanovich Grimm (1823, St. Petersburg - 1898), architect, representative of Eclecticism, master of the Russo-Byzantine style, historian of Caucasian Architecture
Kurakin Alexander B. (1752-1818), diplomat, statesman
KURAKIN Alexander Borisovich (1752-1818), Prince, statesman, diplomat, First Class Full Privy Councilor (1807). He came from the ancient Princely Gediminovich family. Brother of Alexey B. Kurakin and a childhood friend of Emperor Pavel I
Lodygin A.N., (1847-1923), electrical engineer and physicist
LODYGIN Alexander Nikolaevich (1847-1923), electrical engineer. Graduated from Moscow Infantry School in 1867, was soon disappointed with military life, and moved to St. Petersburg. Here he audited classes at the University of St. Petersburg
Morskaya Bolshaya Street
MORSKAYA BOLSHAYA STREET (in 1920-93 - Herzen Street, after A.I. Herzen), located from the General Staff Arch to Kryukov Canal. It was constructed in the early 18th century, in Morskaya settlement (hence the name)
Palace Square
PALACE SQUARE, St. Petersburg's main square, the traditional location for city-wide festivities, and is part of the central square system of the Neva River's left bank
Palaces and Houses of Culture (entry)
PALACES AND HOUSES OF CULTURE, multifunctional club-type recreation centres, assigned to professional associations and factory workers' leisure organizations. They were established in Leningrad from the 1920s
Panoramas (entry)
PANORAMAS, 1) A genre of fine art. The first panoramic view of St. Petersburg was created by artist A. F. Zubov in 1716. The most famous panoramas include: The Splendid Avenues by artist M. I. Makhaev (1753), Panorama of St. Petersburg by J. A
PAVEMENT. In the early 18th century, pedestrian pavements in St. Petersburg developed out of wooden planked roadways. In the mid 18th century, wooden pavements appeared; in the late 18th century came stone pavements made of limestone slabs
Publishing House of Pluchart А.А.
PUBLISHING HOUSE OF PLUCHART А. A. was founded by printer Alexander Ivanovich Pluchart (1777-1827), French by birth who came to St. Petersburg in 1806 and entered the Russian service
Russian Theatre for Tragedy and Comedy
RUSSIAN THEATRE FOR TRAGEDY AND COMEDY (previously the House of Golovkin), the first Russian state stationary professional public theatre was established by order of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna on 30 August 1756
SETTLEMENTS (sloboda), St. Petersburg settlements set on separate territories and featuring homogeneous social structure. The population of a settlement is united by occupation, estate, parentage or religion
St. Isaac Square
St.ISAAC SQUARE (St. Isaac’s Square, in 1923-44, Vorovskogo Square), one of the central squares of St. Petersburg. Located between Admiralteisky Avenue and Mariinsky Palace
Vyazmitinov S.K., Governor General 1805-1807; 1816-18
VYAZMITINOV Sergey Kuzmich (1744-1819, St. Petersburg), Count (1818), state and military figure, Infantry General (1798). Entered military service in 1759, participated in the Seven-Year War of 1756-63
Zemtsov M.G. (1688-1743), architect.
ZEMTSOV Mikhail Grigoryevich (1688-1743, St. Petersburg), architect, graphic artist, theorist of architecture, representative of the early Baroque. He studied at the Armoury Printing House School in Moscow. He worked in St