Liteiny Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 20
Leningrad Affair
LENINGRAD AFFAIR, the term for a series of political processes that arose over the course of an internal party fight for power between G.M. Malenkov and L.P. Beria, and between A.A. Zhdanov and A.A. Kuznetsov
Liteiny Avenue
LITEINY AVENUE [in 1918-44 - Volodarskogo Avenue, after revolutionary V. Volodarsky (1891-1918)], between Liteiny Bridge and Nevsky Prospect. In 1711, a foundry was founded at the beginning of future Liteiny Avenue; later, houses of craftsmen
Officer Assemblies
OFFICER ASSEMBLIES, administrative associations of officers serving in the same regiment, including the quarters. Administrative committees of officer associations were established in the 1870s and engaged in administrative issues with capital
Officers' House
OFFICERS’ HOUSE (20 Liteyny Avenue), a cultural educational establishment of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence, and professional military servicemen’s club. Founded in 1918 as the Red Army House, it was given the name of S.M
Public Halls (entry)
PUBLIC HALLS, a special premise for informal mass events. The first public hall was arranged in banker A.A. Ral's house (On the Moika River Embankment, beside Red Bridge; not preserved)