Pirogov Museum
PIROGOV MUSEUM, Memorial Pirogov Museum founded in 1890 on the basis of the Medical Assembly of the Pirogov Russian Surgical Society. Named after N. I. Pirogov, it was opened in 1898 in the building erected by subscription
Pirogov N. I., (1810-1881), surgeon
PIROGOV Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881), physician, teacher, public figure, Doctor of Medicine (1832), Corresponding Member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1847)
Pirogovskaya Embankment
PIROGOVSKAYA EMBANKMENT on the right bank of the Bolshaya Nevka River between Akademika Lebedeva Street and Maly Sampsonievsky Avenue. It consists of two sections. The first section, named after N. I