Kaverin, Pyetr Pavlovich
Kaverin, Pyetr PavlovichHis father was Pavel Nikitich Kaverin, the governor of Kaluga, his mother was Anna Petrovna, an illegitimate daughter of Korsakov. Kaverin graduated from the Moscow University boarding school and then he learned at the Moscow University and the Gottingen University (1808-1812). He began to serve as a military commander of the Smolensk Home Guard in 1813. From 1825 Kaverin was in retirement with a rank of lieutenant colonel . Kaverin was a member of the Union of Prosperity (from 1818). His Majesty Emperor ordered to keep without attention. Memorial places : 1816-1819, Barracks of the Life-Guard Hussar Regiment (Pushkin Town, 40-46 Parkovaya Street), he served; he lived in House of Ivan Valkh ( 104 Griboedov Canal Embankment, 104) and in 25 Rimsky Korsakov Prospekt during August -September of 1817. Persons
Kaverin Peter Pavlovich
Griboedova Canal Embankment/Saint Petersburg, city, house 104
Parkovaya Street/Pushkin, town, house 40-46 Rimsky-Korsakov Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 25 |