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Entries / Museum of Hygiene

Museum of Hygiene

Categories / Science. Education/Museums

MUSEUM OF HYGIENE of the Medical Prophylaxis Centre of the Committee for Health Protection of the Administration of St. Petersburg (25 Italianskaya Street) was established in 1919 as the Museum of Health Protection, and has had its present-day name since 1990. From the 1930s, the Museum of Hygiene became part of the House of Sanitary Education. Later, the House of Sanitary Education was renamed the Medical Prophylaxis Centre. The exhibition is devoted to human anatomy and physiology, and to important points on medical prophylaxis against infectious diseases, including prophylaxis against AIDS and preparation for family. A special section is devoted to the history of health protection in St. Petersburg. The Museum of Hygiene is housed in the former Palace of I. I. Shuvalov.

References: Бройтман Л. И. "Шуваловский квартал" // Невский архив: Ист.-краевед. сб. СПб., 1999. [Вып.] 4. С. 167-194; Дубовик А. В. Музею гигиены - 80 лет // Санитарное просвещение в работе по профилактике заболеваний: (Материалы конф., посвящ. 80-летию Центра мед. профилактики). СПб., 1999. С. 31-35.

N. L. Korsakova.

Shuvalov Ivan Ivanovich, Count

Italyanskaya Street/Saint Petersburg, city, house 25

Дубовик А. В. Музею гигиены - 80 лет // Санитарное просвещение в работе по профилактике заболеваний: (Материалы конф., посвящ. 80-летию Центра мед. профилактики). СПб., 1999
Бройтман Л. И. "Шуваловский квартал" // Невский архив: Ист.-краевед. сб., 1999

The subject Index
Shuvalov Palace