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Entries / Dom Intermedy, cabaret theatre

Dom Intermedy, cabaret theatre

Categories / Art/Music, Theatre/Theaters, Concert Organizations

DOM INTERMEDY (Intermezzo House), one of the first cabaret theatres in St. Petersburg. Opened in October 1910, it occupied the premises of the concert hall of Shebeko N.N. in the house owned by von Derviz located on 33 Galernaya Street (1868-71, architect Muller, rebuilt in 1885, architect P.P. Schreiber). Its board of directors included Vsevolod Meyerhold, artist Nikolay Sapunov, and poet Mikhail Kuzmin. Performances were played in a hall with covered tables. The most successful of its six productions was Arthur Schnitzler's pantomime The Colombine's Scarf. In January 1911 Dom Intermedy was closed. Later, the hall was used for theatrical performances and concerts. In 1960-90s it housed the club of the Admiralty Factory Mayak. In 1993-95 the club's foyer was leased by the first gay club in St. Petersburg. Since 2003, it is the St. Petersburg Opera Theatre.

Reference: Петровская И. Ф., Сомина В. В. Театральный Петербург: Нач. XVIII в. - окт. 1917 г.: Обозрение-путеводитель. СПб., 1994; Ротиков К. К. Другой Петербург. 2-е изд. СПб., 2001.

Y. M. Piryutko.

Derviz Sergey Pavlovich von
Kuzmin Mikhail Alexeevich
Meyerhold Vsevolod Emilievich
Miller (Muller) Ferdinand Loginovich
Sapunov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Schnitzler Arthur
Schreiber Peter Pavlovich
Shebeko N.N.

Galernaya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 33

Петровская И. Ф., Сомина В. В. Театральный Петербург: Нач. XVIII в. - окт. 1917 г.: Обозрение-путеводитель. СПб., 1994
Ротиков К. К. Другой Петербург. 2-е изд. СПб., 2000

The subject Index
St. Petersburg Opera, the chamber musical theatre