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Entries / Club 81

Club 81

Categories / Literature. Book Publishing/Salons, Circles, Creative Associations and Unions

CLUB 81 was a professional creative union of writers. It was established at the end of 1981 on the initiative of I. A. Admatsky, B. I. Ivanov and Y. V. Novikov by authority of the Administration of the Committee for State Security and the Leningrad Department of the Union of Writers of the USSR. It united approximately 70 people - representatives of independent culture, authors of Samizdat (M. Y. Berg, A. T. Dragomoshchenko, B. I. Dyshlenko, V. B. Krivulin, O. A. Okhapkin, S. G. Stratanovsky, E. A. Schwarz, E. M. Schneiderman et al.). It included sections of prose, poetry, criticism, translation, music (S. A. Kurekhin, B. B. Grebenshchikov) and the theatre studio of E. G. Goroshevsky (it was situated on 3 Chernyshevskogo Avenue). It arranged literary readings, conferences, symposiums and musical concerts at the apartment of the Literary Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky, from the middle of 1982 - at its own apartment on 5 Peter Lavrova Street (today Furshtatskaya Street). The publication of the literary collection Circle - the first officially published collection by authors of Samizdat - was an important achievement of the activity of the club (Leningrad, 1985). The First All-Russian conference of representatives of independent press was held in the club in 1987. Its activity stopped at the end of 1988.

References: "КРУГ" и вокруг, или К истории одной круговой поруки: Ламентация цензора с коммент. / Авт. проекта М. Н. Золотоносов // НЛО. 1995. №14. С. 234-251; Самиздат Ленинграда, 1950-е-1980-е: Лит. энцикл. М., 2003.

O. L. Leikind, D.Y. Severyukhin.

Adamatsky Igor Alexeevich
Berg Mikhail Yurievich
Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich
Dragomoshchenko Arkady Trofimovich
Dyshlenko Boris Ivanovich
Goroshevsky Erik Henrichovich
Grebenshchikov Boris Borisovich
Ivanov Boris Ivanovich
Krivulin Viktor Borisovich
Kurekhin Sergey Anatolievich
Okhapkin Oleg Alexandrovich
Schneiderman Eduard Moiseevich
Schwarz Elena Andreevna
Stratanovsky Sergey Georgievich

Chernyshevskogo St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 3
Furshtatskaya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 5

Самиздат Ленинграда 1953-1991. СПб., 2003
"КРУГ" и вокруг, или К истории одной круговой поруки: Ламентация цензора с коммент. / Авт. проекта М.Н. Золотоносов // Новое лит. обозрение, 1995


Salons, Circles and Literary Gatherings (Entry)

SALONS, CIRCLES AND LITERARY GATHERINGS. During the 18th century regular gatherings of writers were uncommon, but those that there were portrayed different stylistic and philosophic positions