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Entries / Otechestvennye Zapiski (Notes of the Fatherland), journal

Otechestvennye Zapiski (Notes of the Fatherland), journal

Categories / Press. Mass Media/Periodical Press/Magazines

OTECHESTVENNYE ZAPISKI (Notes of the Fatherland). 1) A literary and political journal, founded by P. P. Svinyin as an annual journal. It appeared in 1818-30, from 1820 circulated as a monthly and published articles and material on the history of Russia, ethnography, literary works. The editorial board was accommodated in the house of Kosikovsky at 15 Nevsky Prospect. 2) A monthly scientific and literary (from 1859 also political) journal, appeared in 1839-84 under publisher A. A. Kraevsky's editorship (until 1867) and was conceived as a periodical opposing F. V. Bulgarin's, N. I. Grech's and O. I. Senkovsky's publications. Soon Vissarion Belinsky assumed the leading role of the critic in the Otechestvennye zapiski. Among others А. I. Herzen, Nikolay Nekrasov, Ivan Turgenev, Fedor Dostoevsky, А. N. Maykov, А. А. Fet, V. F. Odoevsky, N. F. Pavlov contributed to the journal. In 1846 Belinsky and some of his associates abandoned the journal for Sovremennik, which resulted in a significant decrease in the populartiy of the Otechestvennye zapiski. In 1867 Nekrasov leased from Kraevsky the publishing rights for Otechestvennye zapiski and from 1868 became its virtual editor and publisher (jointly with M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. K. Mihkaylovsky and G. Z. the Eliseev). Much of the staff of the Sovremennik, suppressed by the authorities joined the Otechestvennye zapiski, G. I. Uspensky, V. M. Garshin, V. G. Korolenko, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, quite a number of narodnik (populist) writers contributed for the journal. The journal consistently advocated democratic positions and in 1884 was suppressed for noxious orientation. The editorial office of the Otechestvennye zapiski was located: at 20 Nevsky Prospect, in the house of the Dutch church (1839); on Nevsky Prospect in the house of Lukin (section of house 44; the early 1840s), at 36 Liteiny Avenue, in the house of Kraevsky (in Nekrasov's apartment; 1867-78), at 18 Nadezhdinskaya Street (today Mayakovskogo Street) (1878-81), at 1 Spasskaya Street (today Ryleev Street) (1883-84). In the 1860-70s the journal's editorial office became one of St. Petersburg's cultural and ideological centres, attracting liberally and radically spirited publicists and writers, many of whom had ties with the Narodniks.

References: Кулешов В. И. Отечественные записки и литература 40-х годов XIX века. М., 1958; Теплинский М. В. Отечественные записки, 1868-1884: История журн. Лит. критика. Южно-Сахалинск, 1966; Боград В. Э. Журнал Отечественные записки, 1868-1884: Указ. содерж. М., 1971; Его же. Журнал Отечественные записки, 1839-1848: Указ. содерж. М., 1985.

A. B. Muratov.

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich
Bulgarin Faddei Venediktovich
Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich
Eliseev Grigory Zakharovich
Fet Afanasy Afanasievich
Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich
Grech Nikolay Ivanovich
Herzen Alexander Ivanovich
Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich
Kosikovsky Andrey Ivanovich
Kraevsky Andrey Alexandrovich
Mamin-Sibiryak (real name Mamin) Dmitry Narkisovich
Maykov Apollon Nikolaevich
Mikhaylovsky Nikolay Konstantinovich
Nekrasov Nikolay Alexeevich
Odoevsky Vladimir Fedorovich
Pavlov Nikolay Filippovich
Saltykov-Shchedrin (real name Saltykov) Mikhail Evgrafovich
Senkovsky Osip Ivanovich (Yuzef Yulian)
Svinyin Pavel Petrovich
Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich
Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich

Liteiny Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 46
Mayakovsky St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 18
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 15
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 44
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 20
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 1

Кулешов В. И. "Отечественные записки" и литература 40-х годов XIX века. М., 1958
Боград В. Э. Журнал "Отечественные записки", 1839 - 1848: Указ. содерж. М., 1985
Теплинский М. В. "Отечественные записки", 1868-1884: История журн. Лит. критика. Южно-Сахалинск, 1966
Боград В. Э. Журнал "Отечественные записки", 1868 - 1884: Указ. содерж. М., 1971

The subject Index
Sovremennik (Contemporary), journal
