Mir Bozhy (God's World), journal, 1892-1906
Mir Bozhy (God's World), journal, 1892-1906
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Press. Mass Media/Periodical Press/Magazines
MIR BOZHY (God's World), (in 1906-18 Sovremenny Mir), a journal, appear in 1892-1918 under V. P. Ostrogorsky's editorship with А. А. Davydov as its publisher. The editorial office had its seat at 7 Razyezzhaya Street. Initially the journal circulated as Literaturny i Nauchno-populyarny Zhurnal dlya Yunoshestva i Samooobrazovaniya, from 1896 Yezhemesyachny Politichesky, Literaturny i Nauchno-Populyarny Zhurnal dlya Samoobrazovaniya. The Mir Bozhy published popular scientific articles, critical reviews, as well as scientific works in various fields of knowledge; a substantial part was devoted to works of Russian writers, critical essays and articles on the theory of literature. From the mid-1890s the journal embarked on propaganda legal Marxist ideas. Upon Davydova's death (1902) M. K. Kuprina-Iordanskaya took up the publishing, with F. D. Batyushkov as editor, who turned the Mir Bozhy into a socio-political publication. Critic and publicist A. I. Bogdanovich assumed the leading role in the journal. In the 1900s the journal extensively published Alexander Kuprin's prose. In August of 1906 the journal was suppressed on political grounds, and resumed in October of 1906, rebranded as Sovremenny Mir. The editorial office was located at 41 Nadezhdinskaya Street (today Mayakovsky Street), later at 19 Znamensaya Street (today Vosstaniya Street). After the death of journal's editor and publisher A. I. Bogdanovich (1907), V. P. Kranichfeld assumed the editorship, later - N. I. Iordansky. Represented by contributors of various sectors of the Russian social democracy, the journal primarily focused on socio-political issues. G. V. Plekhanov regularly contributed for the publication. The journal published works of Russian and foreign writers (Мaxim Gorky, Ivan Bunin, Kuprin, А. P. Chapygin, V. V. Veresaev et al.). M. P. Artsybashev's novel Sanin, published in 1907 gained scandalous success. The publication was subsequently suppressed by the Soviet authorities. References: Скворцова Л. А. Мир божий // Литературный процесс и русская журналистика конца XIX - начала XX века, 1890-1904: Социал.-демокр. и общедемокр. изд. М., 1981. С. 136-197. M. V. Zakharova.
Artsybashev Mikhail Petrovich
Batyushkov Fedor Dmitrievich
Bogdanovich Angel Ivanovich
Bunin Ivan Alexeevich
Chapygin Alexey Pavlovich
Davydova A.A.
Gorky Maxim (Alexey Maximovich Peshkov)
Iordansky Nikolay Ivanovich
Kranichfeld V.P.
Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich
Kuprina-Iordanskaya Maria Karlovna
Ostrogorsky Viktor Petrovich
Plekhanov Georgy Valentinovich
Veresaev (born Smidovich) Vikenty Vikentievich
Mayakovsky St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 41
Razyezzhaya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 7
Vosstaniya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 19
Скворцова Л. А. "Мир божий" // Литературный процесс и русская .журналистика конца XIX - начала XX века, 1890-1904: Социал.- демокр. и общедемокр. изд. М., 1981
Kuprin A.I. (1870-1938), writer
KUPRIN Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938, Leningrad), writer. In 1890 graduated from Moscow Alexandrovsky Military School. Served in the Army; in 1894 retired. From 1901 lived in St. Petersburg
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Razyezzhaya Street
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