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Entries / Chief of the Police

Chief of the Police

Categories / City Administration/Government Bodies

CHIEF OF THE POLICE, the head of the city police. The post of the chief of the police, as an assistant officer of Chief of the Police General, established in 1766. Since 1779, the Chief of the Police administered the city police, and was subordinated to the governor-general; he was in charge of peace and order arrangement in the city, headed the Discipline board of the city (с 1782) and fire prevention brigade. After the establishment in 1871 the institutes of city administration, the post of the Chief of the Police was abolished in 1873, and temporarily reestablished in 1881-83. St. Petersburg Chiefs of the Police were: P.V. Lopukhin (de facto in 1779; 1780-83); P.P. Tarbeev (1783-84); N.I. Ryleev (1784-93); P.M. Glazov (1793-96); E.M. Chulkov (1796-97); N.F. Muravyev (1797-98); V.I. Lisanevich (1798-1800); A.M. Rachinsky (May through October of 1800); G.K. Zilbergarnish (October through November of 1800); A.A. Aplecheev ( 1800-01); N.S. Ovsov (1801-02); F.F. Ertel (1802-08); A.D. Balashov (1808-09); P.A. Papkov (1809-10); P.V. Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1810-11); I.S. Gorgoli (1811-21); I.V. Gladkov (1821-25); A.S. Shulgin (1825-26); B.Y. Knyazhnin (1826-28); A.S. Shkurin (1828-29); K.F. Dershau (de facto, 1829-30); S.A. Kokoshkin (1830-47); A.P. Galakhov (1847-56); I.I. Blaramberg (de facto, 1856-57); P.A. Shuvalov (1857-60); A.L. Potapov (June through November of 1860); A.V. Patkul (1860-62); I.V. Annenkov (1862-66); F.F. Trepov (1866-73); A.A. Kozlov (1881-82); P.A. Gresser (1882-83).

References: Высоцкий И. П. Санкт-Петербургская столичная полиция и градоначальство, 1703-1903: Крат. ист. очерк. СПб., 1903; Длуголенский Я. Н. Военно-гражданская и полицейская власть Санкт-Петербурга, 1703-1917. СПб., 2001; Руководители С.-Петербурга. СПб.; М., 2003. С. 183-214.

Y. N. Kruzhnov.

Annenkov Ivan Vasilievich
Aplecheev Alexander Andreevich
Balashov (Balashev) Alexander Dmitrievich
Blaramberg Ippolit Ivanovich
Chulkov Efim Martemyanovich
Derschau Karl Fedorovich
Ertel Fedor Fedorovich
Galakhov Alexander Pavlovich
Gladkov Ivan Vasilievich
Glazov Pavel Mikhailovich
Golenishchev-Kutuzov Pavel Vasilievich
Gorgoli Ivan Savvich
Gresser Peter Apollonovich
Knyazhnin Boris Yakovlevich
Kokoshkin Sergey Alexandrovich
Kozlov Vasily Vasilievich
Lisanevich Vasily Ivanovich
Lopukhin Peter Vasilievich, Duke
Muravyev Nikolay Fedorovich
Ovsov Nikolay Sergeevich
Papkov Peter Afanasievich
Patkul Alexander Vladimirovich, von
Potapov Alexander Lvovich
Rachinsky Anton Mikhailovich
Ryleev Nikita Ivanovich
Shkurin Alexander Sergeevich
Shulgin Alexander Sergeevich
Shuvalov Peter Andreevich, Count
Silberharnisch Gustav Karlovich
Tarbeev Peter Petrovich
Trepov Fedor Fedorovich

Длуголенский Я. Н. Военно-гражданская власть Санкт-Петербурга, 1703-1917. СПб., 2001
Высоцкий И. П. Санкт-Петербургская столичная полиция и градоначальство, 1703-1903: Крат. ист. очерк. СПб., 1903

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