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Entries / Maneges (general article)

Maneges (general article)

Categories / Army. Navy/Quarters, Arsenals, Riding-halls, Guardhouses, etc.
Categories / Architecture/Architectural Monuments/Public Buildings and Edifices

MANEGES, or riding-schools, (exerzirehaus), buildings with a large interior space, intended for troop drill exercises and cavalry dressage in fall and winter. Maneges were built in St. Petersburg in the 18th - 19th centuries for Guards regiments and military educational institutions. As a rule, maneges were of rectangular shape with stately decorated front facade and a complex engineering design of the lift slab over the riding-hall. In the 1920s-30s, maneges were re-equipped. The manege of the 1st Cadet Corps (13 Universitetskaya Embankment ; 1757-59; built by I.G. Borhard) today is a service building of the Logistics and Transport Military Academy; the manege of the 2nd Cadet Corps (14 Krasnogo Kursanta street ; 1800-03; architect V.I. Demertsov) presently houses the gym of Aerospace Military Academy. Mikhailovsky Manege (6/11 Manezhnaya Square ; 1798-1800; architect V.F. Brenna, rebuilt in 1823-24, architect K.I. Rossi) served as the main manege for Guards' troops and the St. Petersburg garrison until 1917, with a number of military ceremonies taking place there. Today, it houses the Winter stadium. The manege of the Cavalry Life Guards Regiment presently houses the Manege Central Exhibition hall; the manege of the Cavalry Life Guards Regiment (41/4 Shpalernaya Street ; 1800-07, architect L. Rusca) is now a service building for the Military Engineering University; the manege of Grenadier Life Guards Regiment (2 Karpovka River Embankment ; 1806-08, architect L. Ruska) is now a factory.

G. V. Kalashnikov.

Borhard Johann
Brenna Vikenty Franzevich (Vicenzo)
Rossi Carl Ivanovich (Carlo Giovanni)
Rusca Luigi (Aloisy Ivanovich)
Stasov Vasily Petrovich

Karpovka River Embankment/Saint Petersburg, city, house 2
Krasnogo Kursanta St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 14
Manezhnaya Square/Saint Petersburg, city, house 6/11
Shpalernaya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 41/4

The subject Index
Military Logistics and Transport Academy
Mozhaysky Military Space Engineering Academy
Cavalier Guards Regiment
Grenadiers Life Guards Regiment