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Entries / Ryleeva Street

Ryleeva Street

Categories / City Topography/Urban Network/Streets

RYLEEVA STREET (until 1923 - Spasskaya Street), located between Radishcheva Square and Radishcheva Street. The first name comes from the Holy Transfiguration All Guards Cathedral. The street was renamed after K.F. Ryleev. The road was built in the middle of the 18th century on the territory of the settlement of Preobrazhensky Lifeguard Regiment. In 1807-15, building 1, owned by future Decembrist A.M. Bulatov, was constructed. In 1839, the apartment house of A.A. Lisitsyn appeared (building 2, architect A.P. Gemilian, in the 1870s overbuilt), in 1899 - building 3 (belonged to the Holy Transfiguration All Guards Cathedral; architect V.A. Prussakov), in 1873-74 - the apartment house of V.K. Kerber (building 15/39, architect N.L. Benois), in 1913-14 - the apartment house belonging to architect V.I. Kestner (building 20-22). Until 1917, building 9 housed the Society for the Conservation and Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments in Russia.

Reference: Брандт И. Б. Улица Рылеева // БА. 1974. № 30. С. 36-45.

O. A. Chekanova.

Benois Leonty Nikolaevich
Benois Nikolay Leontievich
Bulatov Alexander Mikhailovich
Gemilian A.P.
Kestner Vaclav Iosifovich
Lisitsyn A.A.
Prussakov Vasily Agatonovich
Ryleev Kondraty Fedorovich

Preobrazhenskaya Square/Saint Petersburg, city
Radishcheva St./Saint Petersburg, city
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 2
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 7
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 3
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 15/39
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 20
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 22
Ryleeva St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 9

Брандт И. Б. Улица Рылеева // Блокнот агитатора, 1974

The subject Index
Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment