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Entries / Vostokov A.H. (1781-1864), philologist

Vostokov A.H. (1781-1864), philologist

Categories / Science. Education/Personalia

VOSTOKOV Alexander Hristoforovich (real name Ostenek Alexander Voldemar) (1781-1864, St. Petersburg), philologist, paleographer, poet, translator, Member of the Russian Academy (1820), corresponding member (1826) and since 1841 member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Actual Privy Counsellor (1843). In 1788, Vostokov was admitted to the Gymnasium of Infantry Cadet Corps, and in 1794-1802 studied at the Academy of Arts. In 1803-44, he held various posts in state offices: since 1815, he worked in the Public Library (in 1828-44 serving as the Library’s Manuscript Custodian); in 1831, he was appointed senior librarian of the Rumyantsev Museum. In 1839-45 he served as editor-in-chief of the Archeographic Commission. Vostokov was a member of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts (1801, served as the Society’s secretary since 1802). He was also an honorary member of the Russian Literature Amateur Club (1820). Poetic works of Vostokov (Poems in three books. St. Petersburg, 1821), focusing on the ancient literary heritage, are remarkable for the author’s metrical and rhythmical experiments; his theoretical position on these experiments was highlighted in his Essay on Russian Prosody (St. Petersburg, 1817). The founder of the school of comparative linguistics in Russia (Essays on Slavonic Language ..., 1820) and author of two variants of Russian Grammar (1831), that ran through 28 editions in the 19th century, Vostokov wrote a fundamental Description of Russian and Slovenian Manuscripts of Rumyantsev Museum (1842), providing commentary on 473 manuscripts; he also prepared and published in 1843 an edition of Ostromirov Gospel - the earliest dated monument of Slavonic writing; Vostokov also did lexicographic work. In 1806-07, Vostokov lived in Kosoy Dementyev Lane (today 7 Oruzheinika Fedorova Street); in the 1820s - in Italyanskaya Street (today 18 Zhukovskogo Street); until 1844 - in the building of the Rumyantsevsky Museum at 44 Angliiskaya Embankment; in the second half of the 1850s - at 23 Forth Line of Vasilievsky Island. He was buried at Volkovskoe Lutheran Cemetery.

References: Коновалова М. Н. А. Х. Востоков - библиотекарь Публичной библиотеки: (К 100-летию со дня смерти) // Тр. Гос. публ. б-ки им. М. Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина. Л., 1964. Т. 12. С. 105-122; Цейтлин Р. М. Академик Востоков как славист // Вестн. АН СССР. 1982. № 2. С. 105-110; Голубева О. Д. Востоков Александр Христофорович // Сотрудники Российской национальной библиотеки - деятели науки и культуры: Биогр. слов. СПб., 1995. Т. 1. С. 141-144.

D. N. Cherdakov.

Vostokov Alexander Hristoforovich

4th Line of Vasilievsky Island/Saint Petersburg, city, house 23
Angliiskaya Embankment/Saint Petersburg, city, house 44
Oruzheinika Fedorova St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 7
Zhukovskogo Street/Saint Petersburg, city, house 18

Орлов В. Н. Русские просветители 1790-1800-х годов. М., 1950
Цейтлин Р. М. Академик Востоков как славист // Вестн. АН СССР, 1982
Коновалова М. Н. А. Х. Востоков - библиотекарь Публичной библиотеки: (К 100-летию со дня смерти) // Тр. Гос. публ. б-ки им. М. Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина. Л., 1964

The subject Index
Russian Academy of Sciences
Rumyantsev Museum
Archaeographical Committee