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Entries / Pokrovsky N.V. (1848-1917), historian, archaeologist

Pokrovsky N.V. (1848-1917), historian, archaeologist

Categories / Science. Education/Personalia

POKROVSKY Nikolay Vasilievich (1848-1917, Petrograd), archaeologist and art historian, Doctor of Church History (1892). Upon graduating from St. Petersburg Theological Academy in 1874, he assumed a teaching post there (Professor since 1893); became an organiser and the first director (in 1879) of its Church Archaeological Museum. In 1898, Pokrovsky was appointed director of the Archaeological Institute. Wrote fundamental works on church history, Christian archaeology, Byzantine art history, and iconography. Since 1901, lived at 173 Nevsky Avenue. Buried at Nikolskoe Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

References: Профессор Николай Васильевич Покровский, директор Императорского Археологического института, 1874-1909: Крат. очерк учен. деятельности. СПб., 1909; Пивоварова Н. В. Н. В. Покровский: Личность, науч. наследие, архив // Мир русской византинистики: Материалы архивов С.-Петербурга. СПб., 2004. С. 41-118.

N. L. Korsakova.

Pokrovsky Nikolay Vasilievich

Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 173

Профессор Николай Васильевич Покровский, директор Археологического института, 1874-1909: Крат. очерк учен. деятельности. СПб., 1909

The subject Index
Theological Academy
Archaeological Institute
Nikolskoe Cemetery