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Entries / Ukhtomsky A.A., (1875-1942), physiologist

Ukhtomsky A.A., (1875-1942), physiologist

Categories / Science. Education/Personalia

UKHTOMSKY Alexis Alexeevich (1875-1942), physiologist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935). He graduated from Moscow Ecclesiastical Academy in 1898. In 1902, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1906; he remained in the university to work there and took on the Chair of Human and Animal Physiology in 1922. Ukhtomsky discovered and described one of the essential principles of the activity of nervous system, the dominant principal. In 1919, he was elected a deputy of the Petrograd Soviet. When the war began in 1941, the scientist didn't leave the besieged Leningrad but participated in the organisation of scientific work for national defences. In addition to that, he supervised the medical research on shock, an urgent wartime issue. In 1932, Ukhtomsky received the Lenin Prize. He was buried at Literatorskie Mostki. The house, where Ukhtomsky lived from 1906 to 1942 (29 Sixteenth Line of Vasilievsky Island), bears a memorial plaque.

Works: Letters, in Roads into the Unknown: Writers on Science. Moscow, 1973. Issue No. 10. P. 371-435.

References: Меркулов В. Л. Алексей Алексеевич Ухтомский: Очерк жизни и науч. деятельности (1875-1942). М.; Л., 1960; Айрапетьянц Э. Ш. Алексей Алексеевич Ухтомский. Л., 1969; А. А. Ухтомский в воспоминаниях и письмах. СПб., 1992; Синодик гонимых, умученных, в узах невинно пострадавших православных священно-церковнослужителей и мирян Санкт-Петербургской епархии, XX столетие. 2-е изд., доп. СПб., 2002.

O. N. Ansberg.

Lenin (real name Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich
Ukhtomsky Alexey Alexeevich

16th Line of Vasilievsky Island/Saint Petersburg, city, house 29

Меркулов В. Л. Алексей Алексеевич Ухтомский: Очерк жизни и науч. деятельности (1875-1942). М.; Л., 1960
Айрапетьянц Э. Ш. Алексей Алексеевич Ухтомский. Л., 1969
Письма // Пути в незнаемое: Писатели рассказывают о науке. М., 1973
Синодик гонимых, умученных, в узах невинно пострадавших православных священно-церковнослужителей и мирян Санкт-Петербургской епархии, XX столетие. 2-е изд., доп. СПб., 2002
А.А. Ухтомский в воспоминаниях и письмах. СПб., 1992

The subject Index
Russian Academy of Sciences
State University, St. Petersburg
Siege of 1941-44
Literatorskie (Literary) Mostki, the museum-necropolis